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Your POV

- Wyatt! I yelled.
Wyatt just laughed as I rolled my eyes. Everyone was now in the water splashing around and playing chicken fight. I look at Wyatt, who's looking at the beautiful star sky.
- This reminds me of the night we were here, I say.
- Yes it does, but it's not the exact same.
- Well then make it the same, I say.
He looks into my eyes before kissing me passionately. After the kiss he says
- Now it is
- You're cheesy, you know that right?
- But you like it, don't you?
I just shake my head with a big smile on my face. I swim to Sophia and Ellie who are talking to each other.
- Hi, I say to them
- Hey, they say.
-Want to play chicken fight? I ask.
Sophia says yes while Ellie doesn't want to. We ask if anybody else wants to play, Finn and Gaten says they can. I sit on top of Sophia and Finn on top of Gaten.
- You're going down Wolfhard, I say.
We start to wrestle and I'm about to push him down when he kisses me and then pushes me down instead. They start to cheer.
- That's not fair! I say
- Yes it is, Finn says with the biggest smirk ever
- No it's not, you can't just randomly kiss me without my permission, i say.
- Okay I'm sorry, Finn says obviously not meaning it.
I swim away from them and sit on a big rock in the ocean. I see Finn swimming towards me but I just ignore him. He sits down next to me as I say.
- This view is beautiful.
I see his face turn into a a smile, I know what he's going to say.
- Don't say it, I say.
His smile grows wider.
- Not as beautiful as you.
I sigh at his words, but my lips still forms into a smile.
- You said I couldn't kiss you without permission, he says.
- Yes I did.
- But what if I have permission?
- Then you can kiss me, I say not looking away from the sky.
- Then can I get permission to kiss you?
I look at him, his brown eyes sparkling in the moonlight.
- Yes, I say not taking my eyes of his.
- Good to know, he says.
He looks back at the sky for almost a minute
- Well if your not going to do it, I say leaning in to kiss him. He was always the one who kissed first, it was like he had the control.

After our kiss he said.
- I'm sorry but I didn't give you permission to kiss me.
- Oh shut up, I say.
He smiles at me as I kiss him one more time before swimming back to the others.

Your POV

Back on the beach

I sit next to Finn under a blanket since it was getting colder. He puts his arm around my shoulder and whisper in my ear.
- Does Wyatt know about us?
- Yes he does, why?
- Nothing I was just wondering.

I laid down on his knees and looked up at the sky as the stars got blurry. I felt so safe with Finn, like nothing bad could happen to me. I slowly drifted of to sleep snuggled up with Finn. I Y/n y/l/n was dating Finn Wolfhard, Finn freaking Wolfhard.

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