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Your POV

- At the mall the next day -

We walked into Forever 21 and looked around for dresses, it was a really fancy party or more of a bal or gala. I, after looking around for almost an hour, found a dress. It was perfect, I put it on and showed it to the girls.
- That dress is an 11/10, Millie said.
- It's amazing, Sophia said.
- You look stunning, Sadie said.
- You look like a real princess, Lilia said.

- You look like a real princess, Lilia said

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Your dress

When we got back home I went upstairs to change into my pj, when i was half done someone walked in...
- Shit sorry, he said.
- It's okay Finn you know I am your girlfriend right? I said.
- Yeah I know but don't you want privacy?
- Yes I do but I don't mind as long as it is my boyfriend, I said getting closer.
- Oh o-okay, he said. I could tell he was nervous.
- You're cute when you're nervous, I said putting my hoodie on. Well technically it's his hoodie but he's never getting it back.
- You look hot in my hoodie, he said.
- Your hoodie? I hope you're aware that you're never getting it back, I said.
- I know
- Good, I said. I then kissed him and sat down on my bed. He sat down next to me while I took my laptop and put it on the bed.
- What do you want to watch? He asked.
- Vine compilations, I said excited af.
I opened Youtube and started playing the first one that came up.

- A few minutes later -
(in spongebob narrator voice)

- I love you bitch, I ain't never gonna stop loving you, Bitch. Finn sang while playing on his guitar.
- Fuck ya chicken strips! I said.
I opened my door and yelled
- Hey fuck ya chicken strips!

I then started laughing hysterically as well did Finn, yes we laughed that much at a vine. After our laugh attack we went downstairs to get snacks because you know snacks is life. I took out the popcorn machine while Finn got the cores and salt. I put in the cores while turning the machine on, it started rolling around the cores and then we heard a *pop* and then another and another. Everything went fine until it started poping like crazy *pop pop pop pop pop pop pop*, but that shouldn't matter right? The answer to that is no it shouldn't but we forgot to put the lid on, the popcorns were flying everywhere but we didn't turn it of, no. Instead we tried catching them in our mouths while laughing like maniacs.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now