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Finn's POV

She looked heartbroken, then she ran away I yelled her name but I don't think she heard. She saw me kissing another girl, her heart must have broken into a million pieces. But she didn't understand, I didn't kiss that girl she kissed me. I got a phone call and went to a more quiet place to talk, as I finished a girl came up to me and said she was my biggest fan. She asked if she could kiss my cheek and I didn't want to be rude so I said that it was okay. But instead of kissing my cheek she kissed my lips, and then Y/n came.

Your POV

I sat in the sand and cried for a long time. As I sat there I heard someone scream my name I looked towards the sound and saw Wyatt walking around looking for me.
- Wyatt? I said.
He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.
- What happened? He asked.
- I-it w-was Finn, I said crying.
- It's alright, he said.
We stayed like that for a long time until Wyatt broke the silence.
- What happened?
- I-I was looking around for you guys and then I saw Finn...
- Saw Finn what
- Kissing another girl...
- What?! Y/n I'm so sorry, he said.
- It's not your fault, I said looking out at the ocean.
We stayed like that for a while, sitting in the sand while Wyatt had his arms wrapped around me.

- It's beautiful isn't it?
- Yeah it is, Wyatt said.
- Wonder how warm it is, I say standing up.
I take of my clothes so that I'm left in my under wear. I walk out in the water, it was pretty warm. I look back at Wyatt that's a little bit shocked.
- Aren't you coming? I ask before going further out in the water. Wyatt quickly takes of his clothes and walk out to me. The water is now just under my chest as I look up at the stars. "Wow" I whisper under my breath. I look up at Wyatt, he was certainly one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen.
- Hello? Y/n?
- Oh sorry, I say.
Wyatt is now looking right at me.
- What were you thinking about?
- Nothing
- So you were not thinking about me? He says smirking.
- No, of course not! I say blushing.
- You're cute when you lie, he says.
My face turns red as I look down at the water and chuckle. I then lay down on the water floating as I look up at the sky again.

I close my eyes and just float there for a while. I almost fall asleep when I feel something lifting me up. I open my eyes and see Wyatt.
- What are you doing? I ask.
- If we don't get back the others will get worried.
I look right into his brown eyes and lean in connecting our lips. He puts me down and I look up at him with a big smile before swimming to land. I stand there for a while before putting on my clothes. We then walk back laughing almost the entire time. When we walk in I see Millie, she almost runs up to us asking where we went. I look at Wyatt and then tell her that we just went to the beach to talk.

The walk home was awkward I didn't look at Finn the entire time and when we got home I went straight upstairs and changed before pulling up my phone and seeing that Sophia posted a pic.

The walk home was awkward I didn't look at Finn the entire time and when we got home I went straight upstairs and changed before pulling up my phone and seeing that Sophia posted a pic

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Liked by Milliebobbybrown, Sadiesink_ and 31 482 others

Sophialillis aren't they cute? @y/u/n @wyattoleff

I'm seriously going to kill you

Love u too! @y/u/n

Omg! Are they dating???

View all 6 364 comments

I went downstairs to find Sophia, I looked around but couldn't find her. I was turning around to walk up again when I bumped into someone.
- Sorry, I said before I looked at who it was, Finn.
Before he said anything I walked up again, fast. When I got up I went into my room and closed the door before laying down in my bed. In just a few minutes I fell into a deep sleep.

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