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Your POV

After dinner the girls and I went upstairs to put on our pjs and get ready for the night.

After dinner the girls and I went upstairs to put on our pjs and get ready for the night

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Your pj

After we were done we went downstairs to the boys and sat down on the couch. On the first one Noah, Caleb and Gaten on the second one Sadie and Millie sat and on the lsat one Me and Finn sat.
- What should we watch? Gaten asked.
- How about Scream? I said.
Everyone agreed and we started watching the movie.

Millie's POV

We began watching the movie and halfway through I saw y/n cuddled up next to Finn hiding her face in his chest when it got too scary. I also saw Finn playing with y/n hair so I pushed Sadie with my elbow pointing at y/n while giggling at how cute they were.

Finn's POV

As I were watching the movie I heard giggling so I looked over at Millie and Sadie seeing them look at my hand as they started to laugh more. I quickly let go of y/n hair while blushing and when I looked down at y/n who looked a bit scared, not that I can blame her I mean it was a scary movie.

After the movie the girls said that they were just going to get some water and then go upstairs, so I decided to scare them. I went upstairs without them seeing me and hid in one of the closets. I waited for maybe five minutes before I heard them walk in.

Your POV

The girls and I went upstairs and the second we got in Millie suggested we would play Truth or Dare, so we started to play. After a while Sadie asked me.
- Truth or Dare?
- Truth.
- Okay, do you like someone?
- Kind of, is said blushing a bit.
- Who? They both asked at the same time.
- That was not part of the question, I said.

Finn's POV

While I was waiting for the right moment they started to play Truth or Dare so I kept waiting until I heard y/n say some things interesting. Sadie had asked her if she liked anyone and she said yes, did she like me? No she would never like me, I said to myself. After a couple of minutes I heard someone standing in front of the closet door so I opened it.
- Ahhhhh! Y/n screamed while I started laughing.
- You messed with the wrong girl Finn Wolfhard, she said.
I ran out the door with y/n close behind me, and before I knew it she had me pinned down on the floor.
- I said it, you messed with the wrong girl.
Just as she finished talking I flipped her around pinning her down.
- No I didn't, I said grinning.

Your POV

As he had me pinned down I started to smile, we stared into each other's eyes in silence before getting interrupted by Sadie and Millie running to us. Finn got of me and both Millie and Sadie were grinning evilly, what were they up to.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now