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Your POV

- After breakfast -

We had decided to go on a sightseeing tour today since the hotel hosted one every week. I got on a pair of sneakers and packed my backpack before heading out to the lobby with the rest. Our first stop was at some ruins close to the ocean, they were 500 years old and came from a church that was destroyed by an earthquake. After the tour we checked out some souvenir stores, I bought a key ring for Molly and some other stuff for my family. When we got back to the house I wanted to go swimming in the ocean, I asked if anyone wanted to come with but they said that they were to tired. I put on my bikini before walking out the door.
- Bye! I yelled before closing the door.

- Bye! I yelled before closing the door

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Your swimsuit

It was almost 4 pm when I got to the ocean, I put my towel on the sand and then my bag next to it. The water was surprisingly not that cold, it was so clear I could see the rocks on the bottom and the fish swimming around. I started swimming out in the ocean, there was a cave you could swim into that probably were magical. I swam down under the water and looked at the fish with my goggles, yes I am 15 and yes I have goggles. I was just under the surface when I felt something around my foot, I tried to get away from it but I couldn't. I looked down and saw that there were seaweed wrapped around my foot, I started to panic since I didn't get any air. It felt like I was just about to pass out when something else grabbed my waist and pulled me up, I was breathing like crazy.
- Calm down Y/n, the person said. I turned around and saw him.
- Thank you Finn, I said and hugged him.
We just stayed like that until I had calmed down.
- Follow me, he said and swam away to the cave. I followed him and let me tell you this cave was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. The water was sparkling from the sunlight and the gave was shimmering of blue and green colors.

After swimming around for a bit we got up and sat inside the cave.
- Can you get this? I asked.
- What? He asked.
- Just because you are so bad at volleyball we're here, I said as he chuckled.
- I'm not bad at it I'm just to strong, he said. I laughed a bit at his comment.
- Yeah sure, I said sarcastically.
- It's the truth!
- Okay okay I get it, I said.
He looked at me or more exactly stared.
- You can't stop looking at me huh? I said getting up and posing.
- It's impossible you're to beautiful, he said while getting up. I blushed a bit at his comment as he came up to me, he looked straight into my eyes.
- I love you Y/n, he said.
- I love you too, I said before he connected our lips.
- Shall we swim back? He asked.
- Yes we shall, I said.
We got in the water and started swimming towards the beach.

Finn's POV

I just told Y/n I love her, she stared at me for a while. Maybe I shouldn't have told her, maybe she doesn't feel the same way. Does she love me?
- I love you too, when I heard does words come out of her mouth I kissed her. Those were the best words she ever could have said.

My writers block is over!

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now