Not My Time Pt. 1

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A/N: So this is also on my Tumblr, but umm, it's a batfamily x batsis fic.

Warnings: Death, Angst???, sadness, I cried.

I always thought that if I were to die. It would be because one of Gotham's psycho's killed me. I always imagined I would die on a battlefield with destroyed buildings and chaos. I never thought I would die in a beautiful green valley, where the stars were visible. It's peaceful.

I failed the mission. I failed my family. My team. I guess it's a good thing I'm dying then. I won't have to see the disappointment in my family's eyes. Then again. My death would break their hearts.

The mission was simple. All I had to do was get information about the human trafficking routes and destinations. It was my job to make sure no one was to be separated from their families, but here I am. Dying.

Several mob bosses were involved and they needed protection from the Justice League, so who else to hire to protect you from superheroes? Mercenaries, villains who hate the Justice League, or a hero who decided to join the dark side. I had to leave the bat-clan to help the league catch the baddies. When they heard I "turned evil" they were upset. They tried to convince me that I was one of the good guys. Even Jason tried. They were upset and pissed. They didn't know I left for a mission. I became one of their enemies.

I pressed the emergency button on my belt and closed my eyes. I'm not going to make it. I've lost too much blood. I open my eyes and observe the stars as they sparkle and shimmer liked scattered moondust in the sky. I try to focus on staying awake, but I can't. My eyelids start to feel heavy. My breathing slows down.

"I'm sorry, dad," I say as I take my final breath and close my eyes.


I woke up to see a well-dressed guy standing a couple feet away from me with disappointment in his eyes. He walked towards me and took out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up from the ground. We stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"You're early," He said.

"I... I am what? Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Death," He replied.

What....... He is too young to be Death.

"I know. I may seem young but I'm just one of many reincarnations. As for where you are. You are in the veil between the Human World and the Spirit World," He explained.

"Sooo I am I dead," I whispered to myself.

Death chuckled and turned around. The scenery change from a blank white room to the valley I died. It was day now. My dad was on his knees holding my dead body close to him. His cowl was on the ground next to him. Superman, his best friend, was behind him trying to console him.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Your actions have consequences, y/n."

I turned to look at him. What does he mean by my actions have consequences? I've known that since pre-k.

"What do you mean my actions have consequences."

"You... you weren't... You weren't supposed to die. Yet."

I wasn't supposed to die? This all too confusing. I sigh and look back at my dad. He and Supes were leaving. The next thing I know is that we were at the Batcave. Dick and Damian were training, Jason was with Cass helping her recite Shakespeare, and Tim was at the batcomputer putting a case together. I haven't seen them in two years. I was gone for two years.

Damian certainly got taller, Tim looked like he hasn't slept for weeks, and Cass's speech got better. I smiled as tears began to form. They'll be fine without me.

"Damian, pay attention," Dick said as he landed a kick on our little brother's side.

"I am Grayson," Damian retorted.

"No your not. What's wrong?"

"I miss my sister."

Everyone in the room stopped moving while I held my nonexistent breath. Dick put his batons down and walked towards Damian and kneeled in front of him.

"Look. I know it's hard, but..."

"She decided to go dark side kid. She obviously doesn't care about us anymore," Jason interrupted.

I let my tears fall as he said that I didn't care. I care too much. I didn't want this. Damian looked hesitant. Like if he wanted to believe him, but he couldn't. Just as he was going to say something. A call from the watchtower came through. I walked towards Damian but stopped when our dad showed up on the screen. The first one to notice that someone was wrong was Cass. When she asked him what was wrong he broke down in tears. Everyone in the cave, especially Alfred who just now arrived, was surprised. He never cried unless something happened to one of his kids. He explained to them what happened. He told them about the mission. Me going undercover and dying. I walked towards Death and told him to get me out of here. He nodded and we returned to the veil. Immediately I broke down. I cried like I never cried before. I fell to the ground and hid my face. I can't deal with this. After a while, I stopped.

"Why," I asked him.

"You weren't supposed to take the case. You were supposed to give up the life and live a normal life. Go to college, finish your education. Get married. Everything a normal person would do."

"If that was supposed to happen then why."

"Something happened to the timeline. I wish I could tell you in more detail but I can't."

"What am I supposed to do now."

"Just... choose a path. It doesn't matter which one and whatever you do, don't look back. Keep on going."

I got up and chose a path. I didn't look back, I did what he told me and kept on going. 

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