Joker No More

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a/n: Have this crackfic I wrote for my creative writing class

Key: L/n - Last name

Y/n - Your name

Prompt: The Joker is finally getting the help he's needed for years. When he is finally free of his murderous thoughts, he asks if he might meet Batman and thank him for bringing him. "Who?" the Arkham doctor asks.

Batman looked over the city, taking in its gothic beauty as Alfred relayed information to him from the Batcave. "The Joker has been sighted near Gotham Hospital."

"I'm on my way." He took out his grappling gun and shot it towards the nearest building.
When he arrived at the hospital he thought he would arrive to chaos, to the GCPD blocking off the hospital, but instead, he arrived to Gotham's newest doctor having a civilized conversation with the Joker. He sighed. His plan was working. 

He watched as the Joker and the doctor were escorted to a police car. The Joker smiling his signature smile as he waved to the doctor shouting, "See you in Arkham!"

As the car disappeared down the street, Batman went down to the ground, making his way to the young doctor. "Jim, Mx. L/n."

"Batman," the two tired adults said. Jim sounded more tired than the last time they met. 

"Any new development, Mx. L/n?"

The doctor smiled as they pulled out a file out of thin air, handing it to him. "Give me a couple of months and the Joker will cease to exist."


"In a good way."

~~~ Time Skip~~~

Three months later and Gotham was in chaos and in peace. The underworld was creeped out. 

The Joker was sane.

He finally got the help he needed. No murderous thoughts, no more crazy clown. When he asked who helped him, a nurse in Arkham answered, "Batman and Doctor Y/n L/n." 

He smiled as he went to sleep. The next day, when Doctor L/n went in to check him, he asked, "Would it be possible for me to meet Batman and thank him?"

The doctor could only stare at the man in confusion. "Who?"

"Batman! The man that saved me!"

"I don't.... I'll see what I can do." The doctor quickly wrote something down as they left. 

The Joker was confused, but he dropped the subject immediately. Y/n took out their phone and quickly called her boss. "It's done. The Joker is no more."

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