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Requested on Tumblr: can you write a imagine with Damian or dick where the fem!reader is like very innocent and one day they fight with dami or dick about a very stupid thing and at night they hear reader crying in their room and decides to go help them and a lot fluff sorry for my grammar it sucks and if you do it with Damian can you make him legal age?

a/n: Sorry I haven't been updating much


You were the definition of innocent; pure and naive. That was something that Dick liked about you. No matter what happened. Assassins could be holding you hostage, threatening to kill you and you would make a joke about your day. Damian would threaten to sabotage your relationship, you would laugh it off. You were a happy, bubbly person.

Maybe that's why when you get into fights about little things you would always cry. Or when you saw something adorable. Sometimes your innocence annoys you. Sometimes, not always. Mostly when you get into a fight with someone. You get too emotional. Perhaps that's why you were in your room crying after getting in a fight with Dick for no reason. 

Your best friend wanted to go out and do something with you before she moved to another state and you wouldn't be able to see her anymore. The first bad thing was that your phone was dead and you had forgotten it so you couldn't call him to assure him you were fine and not dead or tied up in a warehouse. The second bad thing was that your friend isn't one to understand how overprotective Dick is. Even though she has witnessed his overprotectiveness several times. She just doesn't seem to care. At all. 

So when an annoyed Damian and extremely worried and angry Dick showed up to her house she shrugged it off and threw a bowl of popcorn at them and wouldn't let you leave until whatever movie you two were watching was over. Least to say Damian was even more annoyed because what a waste of popcorn. 

 After the movie ended you bid your bestie farewell and let Dick take you home. On the way, Damian wouldn't stop berating you for not having your phone on you. Honestly, it wasn't your fault and it was just a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes all the time. Dick was being an overdramatic boyfriend like always. 

 Once he dropped Damian off at the Manor instead of talking to you he kept silent all the way to Bludhaven. It was disconcerting. He was never quiet. Especially on long trips. He wouldn't sing to his favorite songs and every time you would ask him a question he would ignore you. This wasn't going to end well...

The minute you arrived at your apartment you started to panic. Dick was still not talking to you and you didn't know what to do.

"Dick? Are you alright?" You asked him. Just as you started walking towards him he snapped.

"Why weren't you answering my calls?!?! I was worried something happened to you! Even Damian was worried!" 

You took a step back before looking up at him. "I... b/f/n showed up and just... she didn't give me a chance to get my phone. I'm sorry." you apologized.

"Sorry?!?! Y/N I was freaking out! I thought the someone broke in and kidnapped you! I don't know..." he said. His phone began to ring as he was speaking. He answered then sighed before turning it off. "I gotta go."

You moved to protest but decided against it. You watched as he got his jacket and left you alone in your shared home. Later that night when he came back he found you crying your eyes out in the middle of your bed. How long have you been crying? He doesn't know. 

He walked towards you and hugged you. "Hey, it's okay.... I'm sorry if I overreacted, babe."

Your crying slowly came to a stop as you turned around to hug him back. "No, you don't need to apologize, I'm sorry if I worried you. I should've left a note or something."

The both of you sat on the bed holding each other. Eventually you fell asleep in Dicks arms. He tucked you in and kissed your temple. "I love you y/n." 

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