Being YJ! Tim Drake's younger sibling and being on the team

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Requested on Tumblr: Hi! So I was wondering if you could do a Young Justice Tim Drake headcanon? Where he's the older brother of Y/N but they work on the team together and what their interactions are like?

- He is constantly checking up on you


- You get hurt? He's there in a couple of minutes

- It can be annoying

- You somehow almost always end up teamed up with him

- If not him then with some other Batfam member, usually Cass

- He doesn't like it when you go to dangerous missions

- You are constantly assuring him that you'll be fine

- Even if its a lie

- There are times where he goes into Over-Protective Bro Mode during missions or meetings

- You know he means well but seriously? In front of everyone?

- At the end of the day, you forgive him only after getting everyone to stop teasing you

- Him being the serious sibling while you are the opposite

- there are days where the both of you return to the Manor covered in glitter or silly string

- Whenever he tries to be serious with you, you just start laughing

- unless he is dead serious

- instead of calling each other by your hero names, you use random nicknames, ya know like normal kids

-At the end of the day he's your brother and you can't do anything about it

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