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Requested on Tumblr: Hey, could you do: 6. "Seven billion people in the world, and you're overreacting because we killed one man." "But-" "Seven. Billion. People. Now quit the complaining and drink your smoothie. 7. "Hold on you died." "Yeah, well it didn't stick." With Jason (and Roy Harper if you can but not worries if not)

Have you ever had the feeling that some of your friends were major dumbasses but you wouldn't say anything to not hurt their feelings? Well, that happens to you every minute you spent time with Roy freaking Harper.

"You should go they said, it will be fun they said. Fun doesn't involve dying Arsenal!" You shouted as you dodged a bullet.

"Yes, it does! It means whatever we were doing we are doing right!" He said shooting an arrow at a guy in front of you. "Besides back up is almost here."

"Very reassuring Roytoy..." You mumbled. Just as you took out your knife a new person joined the party.

"See! I told you backup would arrive! How's life Jaybird?" Roy exclaimed.

"Not right now Roy!" backup shouted. You rolled your eyes and continued fighting off the bad guys. You glanced at Roy then at the backup guy. What kind of history did those two have?

As soon as you finished kicking a henchman's ass, backup decided to kill the person you were looking for.

"Dammit Roy and, and person I don't know! We needed him alive!" you shouted throwing your weapon on the ground.

"The names Red Hood princess," Red Hood said taking a step towards you. You rolled your eyes and turned towards Roy.

"This is back up? I told you we could kill the unimportant guys, not the target!!"

"Sorry... Hey! I'll make it up to you! How about the three of us go out for smoothies!"

"I uh," you threw your hands in the air and started walking out of the building. "Sure why not! Let's all go for smoothies!"

"Great! See ya at Smoothie King in thirty minutes!" Roy shouted at you. This was going to be a long day.

A block away from your home you heard someone shouting at you. "Y/n! Wait!"

You stopped walking and turned around just to see the Red Hood following you.

"y/n... thanks for stopping," he said catching his breath.

You stared at him for a really long time before speaking. "Okay, first of all, why are you following. Two, I never told you my name so how do you know, and three, what!"

After catching his breath he took off his helmet and let it fall to the ground. To say you were in shock would be an understatement.

"Hold on... You died."

"Yeah, well it didn't stick."

You took a couple steps toward him and cupped his face with your hands. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Jason fucking Todd was alive. You leaned in as to kiss him before pulling back and slapping him as hard as you could.



"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. I'm here and I did tell you.

"Shut up you smartass."


Later at the Smoothie King, you were shooting glares at Roy and Jay while you also glared at the smoothie. "y/n are you going to drink that or not?" Roy asked you.

"No, because you two killed my target."

"Seven billion people in the world and you're overreacting because we killed one man," Jay said walking leaning towards you from across the table.


"Seven. Billion. People. Now quit the complaining and drink your smoothie." He interrupted. You cussed him out and reluctantly took a sip of your smoothie. It was good.

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