Costume Police

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Request: Kate dissing little kids costumes on Halloween and Renee judging her

Warning: Language

Halloween night was one of the best and worst nights for superheroes. Why the best? They got to see little kids dressing up as them and it was adorable, but it was the worst because bad guys always thought that Halloween was the best night to cause trouble. Which, if we are being honest, is a bad idea. Unless a certain hero needed to punch someone, then hey, the bad guy decided a good night to do illegal stuff. 

Kate Kane, otherwise known as Batwoman, was having the time of her life. Nothing felt better than terrifying the living shit out of some unsuspecting teenager being an ass to little kids.

Usually, she would be at some Halloween themed gala or party but someone had threatened the city so every available vigilante in the area was out and about. Well, she snuck out to help Renee. Why deal with rich assholes when you can judge kids costumes and punch people?

Kate perched on the side of an apartment building and looked out onto the busy city streets. Kids of all ages ran around with their friends and family members in the search of candy. Kate observed a five-year-old wearing a Batgirl costume run around with her brother pretending to fight bad guys. 

Renee joined Kate at the edge of the building. "It's quiet," she said.

Kate turned to face her and sighed, "Too quiet. Any word on Riddler?"

"Batgirl caught him crashing your cousins gala," Renee said sitting next to Kate.

"Good for him," Kate said.

"Kate, what are you doing here?" Renee asked. Kate was being unusually quiet tonight and Renee didn't like that.

"That little girl's skirt wouldn't be a good thing to have while fighting," Kate murmured. 

"What?" Renee asked in confusion. Kate pointed at the little girl in the Batgirl costume before turning to look somewhere else.

"Why would you wear a Superman costume in Gotham? Better yet, why the hell would you dress as Batman?"

"Who are you? The Costume Police?" Renee laughed. 

"Might as well be," Kate grumbled. Renee rolled her eyes and followed Kate's gaze to a little kid wearing a Batwoman costume.

"Is something wrong with that costume?"

"No, they look amazing," Kate said grinning.

"Unbelievable," Renee whispered before returning her attention back to the public. Mini Batgirl decided to team up with mini Superman and they both decided to fight Batgirls brother, who was dressed as a phantom. It was a nice scene. 

While Renee admired from afar, Kate started to look for a new victim. She peered to the left of the building and found seven familiar looking faces. Kate leaned towards the edge to get a better view, and her suspicions were right.

"Is it me or does that kid seem a bit too short to be Batman, Renee?" Kate asked.

"If they're a kid then yeah, they're too short," Renee answered a bit annoyed.

"And that Red Hood wannabe, his helmet is too big."

Renee rolled her eyes and turned to see the people Kate was judging now. "Seriously, Kate? You are a grown ass woman and you are judging kid's costumes?"

"Well, as you said, tonight's threat has been apprehended and I don't feel like explaining why I wasn't at the gala," Kate said. "And Red Hood wannabe is an adult."

Rene groaned and stood up. "Whatever you say costume police."

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