Restless Nights Pt. 2

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A/N: WELL THEN, since a lot of people liked the first part and because someone asked for it (on Tumblr), I decided to make a second part. I also made audio for this one but it's shorter. I got a little carried away while writing this. Sorry.

Key: e/c - eye color, l/n - last name

You sat by the window of your bedroom admiring the night sky as it rained. It's been 2 months since you met the vigilantes. Since then, they had been crashing at your place whenever they were too tired to go back to their homes. It was nice having them for company since they would help you out with school work. Red Robin would help you math, Red Hood would help you with English, and Robin would help you with geography. Nightwing would eat all your cereal and Orphan would go to you if she had any problems. It was nice.

You still didn't know who was under the mask but you honestly could care less. They were nice people when they weren't trying to kill each other. You learned that Red Hood liked to read books a lot, so you would always have extra books for him to read, you also, unfortunately, learned that Nightwing lives off cereal and cereal only.

Your e/c eyes followed a raindrop that was sliding down your window when you heard a crash coming from the living room. You got up and grabbed the nearest object next to you, which was a pillow. A pillow of death! You made your way towards the living room but stopped in the hall when you heard a string of curses. Letting out a war cry, you gripped the pillow tightly and jumped out and attacked the intruder.

"Ow! What the hell l/n!?!?!"

You stopped attacking the intruder and searched for the lights. You flicked the lights on and saw a soaked and teary eye Robin. You dropped the pillow and embraced him in a hug. He awkwardly returned the hug and started to cry.

"What happened, birdie?" you asked.

He sniffled and pulled away from you. "I got into an argument with my father."

You sighed and looked around, you saw the living room window open and a trail of water on the floor. "Come on let's get you dried up."


After giving Robin a change of clothes you went back to the living room to mop up the mess and to get some hot chocolate and cookies. When you returned to your room you found him sitting in your bed, looking at the ground. You walked up to him and gave him the hot chocolate.

"Thanks," he muttered.

You nodded and sat down next to him. You looked at him and noticed how his mask was barely sticking on his face from the tears. You rubbed your face and turned to face Robin.

"What happened Robin?"

He looked up at you and sniffled a bit before he took off his mask to reveal his glistening blue/green eyes. Your eyes widen when you realized that he was Bruce Wayne's son.

"Wait. If your Damian Wayne... then that means that Bruce Wayne is Batman?"

He chuckled a bit before responding, "Dick is Nightwing, Tim is Red Robin, and Cass is Orphan."

"I totally knew that." you murmured. "Hold on, then who the hell is Red Hood?"


You looked at Damian confused before it clicked, "The dead kid?"

"Majority of the Robins have died and come back from the dead, l/n." he scoffed.


The both of you sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Damian actually answered your question.

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