Prank Gone Wrong

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Requested: Nah 

A/N: This doesn't need an explanation does it? 

Pranks were a common thing in Wayne Manor. But there were guidelines. And someone had broken those guidelines. That, someone, was you. In your defense, it was by accident. You didn't mean to put pink hair dye in your dad's shampoo it just kinda happened.

Now, Mr. Greatest Detective in Gotham doesn't know it was you. But if you don't find someone to help you out you might as well kiss your social life goodbye.

Right now there are only four people in Wayne Manor; you, Alfred, Cass, and Dick. Alfred was busy, so you couldn't go to him, Dick was asleep no point going to him for help, and Cass right now was your best hope.

You heard your dad calling for you if you weren't so terrified you would've gone, but nope. To Cass it is! You ran quickly to the cave and looked for Cass in the training area. When you found her you made the mistake of surprising her. That was a very bad mistake.

"Ow..." you mumbled as Cass flipped you onto the ground and put the end of a staff up to your neck. After Cass realized to was you she quickly removed the staff and helped you up.

"Sorry," she said.

"Don't it's my fault. I shouldn't of scared you," you apologized.

"What did you do? She asked when she noticed your nervous state.

"Well, I might've accidentally dyed dad's hair pink..." you said rubbing the back of your neck.


"Bright pink. Like brighter than my future bright. And he is mad. Can you, uh, help me?" you asked. Cass agreed but before you could celebrate Bruce showed up.

"Cass. y/n. Could you please explain this?" he said pointing to his hair. You took a step back and kinda admired your work.

"Uh, looking good dad. But why pink?"

"That's what I'll like for you to explain, y/n," he said glaring at you. Oh, you were definitely screwed.

Cass walked up to you and put her hand on your shoulder and said, "She was training with me."

"Yeah, besides I think I saw a bottle of hair dye in Dick's room. You might want to go check though," you added. You weren't lying. You actually put the bottle of dye in his room when you figured out your "accident". You just hoped he believed Cass and that he doesn't check the caves security system.

He looked at you then at Cass before sighing. "I'll let you two continue your training."

Bruce turned around and walked out of the training area. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until Cass knocked you flat down on your ass.

"Training?" Cass asked you.

"You know what sure."

Five Minutes Later



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