Too Late

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Warning: Spoilers for Heroes in Crisis, death, angst

a/n: I'm sad, you're sad, we're all sad.

When you first met Roy it was during a mission. He accidentally shot you with an arrow and you stabbed him. Immediately after the two of you became good friends. The two of you bonded over bows and arrows and lighting things on fire.

Eventually, he became like a brother to you. The two of you would team up for missions and go to lunch and talk crap about the Justice League, cause who's stopping you? No one that's who.

Then the both of you split ways. He joined the Outlaws and you returned to your lonely miserable vigilante life. Well, for only a week or two. Roy somehow managed to convince Roy and Kori to let you join, and Jason can't say no to him. That's how you ended up helping Roy build a flamethrower and test it out on Jason while he was in the shower. 

After the Outlaws broke up you went with Roy to make sure he didn't return to his addiction. You stuck to him like glue. But after he returned with the Titans, well, you had to go your separate ways. You still kept tabs on him though and he kept tabs on you too. 

When he called you and asked you to help him save Jason from Bruce, you dropped everything and immediately left for them. When he told you he was going to rehab you supported him. When he asked you to keep an eye out for Jay while he was gone you did. There was nothing you wouldn't do for him and he would do the same for you. Everyone knew that. 

Everyone in the Justice League and Titans knew who you were and how important you were to Roy. So after Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman found him and Wally dead you were one of the first people they called.

You were heartbroken. Devastated. Your friend, your family, your brother was dead. You promised each other that you would keep each other safe and alive.

Now it's too late. 

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