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Requested on Tumblr: Hi! Can you please do some fluff for Jason where the reader will always be there for him? Any scenario of with the same concept would do :)

a/n: if you have read Red Hood and the Outlaws #25, proceed. If you haven't, turn around and gooooooo somewhere where you won't want to stab Bruce. Angst/fluff

Warning: Language

Working with Batman was your dream as a kid. But now that you know that absolute dumbass you knew why your parents always told you not to meet your idols. Did you regret meeting him? No, if it weren't for him you wouldn't of have met Jason.

When you first met Jason you thought he was an incredibly annoying asshole, but after getting to know him better your opinion changed. He was actually a sweet boy with a lot of problems. During the years the both of you stuck to each other like glue. If someone did something stupid the other person was bound to do it. Eventually, the both of you ended up falling for one another. Hard. 

The both of you confessed your feelings for each other by accident on the rooftop of Wayne Enterprises in front of the Justice League and several rouges. It was embarrassing but worth it. Not soon after, you two started dating. You two were together for a year before he left to go look for his mom. 

You were sad that he was leaving but you supported his decision. The night he left, you both promised to always be there for each other. In the good and bad. The first person to break that promise was Jason when he came back home in a coffin.

When he came back from the dead you kept your promise. You helped him with his relationship with Bruce after he tried to kill him. From then on you two had a rocky relationship. Neither one of you wanted to admit that the feelings you had as teenagers were still alive and kicking. Instead, the both of you lived in denial. 

If we're being honest, jealousy was the most common feeling between you two. He couldn't stand seeing you with someone that wasn't him. The same goes for you. Jason's jealousy was a bit more noticeable than yours though. So when some random guy started flirting with you at a gala he kinda snapped. He pulled you away from the guy and took you to a more secluded area where he confessed his never dying love for you. You've been together ever since.  And your promise was still standing. 

   So when Roy called you and told you that Bruce had kicked Jason out of the family. You were pissed. Pissed with your childhood hero specifically. After leaving your home and catching up with Roy you were seriously contemplating whether or not prison was worth it. But decided against it. Jason needed you now more than ever.

You helped Roy get Jason on your living room couch before running to the bathroom to get the medical kit you kept there for just in case.

"Roy keep him conscious!" you shouted.

"I'm trying!" Roy said, "Hey, Jaybird, stay awake or your girlfriend is going to kill me."

"She... she won't," Jason grunted. Roy rolled his eyes and mumbled something while helping his friend adjust himself. "The worst she'll... do is stab you."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!?"

Once you found the med kit you ran back to the living room and immediately began to tend to Jason's wounds. Jason was silent the entire time, besides the occasional hissing and grunting in pain. The silence was unsettling. If Roy or you tried to strike a conversation with him he would just turn his attention elsewhere. 

After twenty minutes of silence, Roy decided to go make sure Bruce didn't follow you guys and on the way went to go get some takeout. He's an amazing friend. 

When you finished tending Jason's wounds you cleaned up and helped your boyfriend change into some more comfortable clothes before breaking the silence. "Jason talk to me please."

"I... Did I do the right thing, y/n?" He asked you.

"Shooting Cobblepot in the face in public or breaking your promise to Bruce?"


You sighed and took a seat next to him, "Jaybird, you did what you thought was right. But shooting Penguin in public was a bit too much."

Jason scoffed and was about to stand up but you grabbed his wrist and softly pulled him towards you. "I wasn't done," you said, "Bruce's no killing rule was bound to be broken sometime. He over exaggerated the situation. You're his son, he's supposed to help you not... not be a jackass."

You let go of his wrist and leaned back in your seat, "But when isn't he a jackass?"

Jason chuckled and sat down next to you before giving you a tender kiss. "What did I do for you to be here by my side?"

"Well, um, you asked me to be your girlfriend in front of the Justice League and we also promised each other to always be there for each other. I'm only keeping my promise," you said kissing him back. Before things could escalate Roy interrupted and nonchalantly started talking about how bad the traffic was.

"Roy stop complaining and hand over the food," Jason laughed.

"Eager much?" Roy mumbled. 

"Yeah, kinda hungry here," Jason said.

You laughed and helped Roy with the food before he dropped something. The rest of the night was spent retelling stories of past missions and catching up.

Jason was glad that despite everything bad that has happened you were always there for him. 

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