Special Halloween

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Requested on Tumblr: What if all the Batkids say they will have a special costume for Halloween, which is why they keep it a secret until Halloween, only to discover that they all have costumes of one of their alter-egos

Wayne Manor was too quiet for a Halloween night. Most Halloween nights it was chaos; the guys and girls running back and forth looking for some part of their costume or Damian running away from the girls. But tonight, there was no noise. Not even in the cave.

The silence has been going on for about two weeks. It started when Dick asked everyone what they were going to dress up for Halloween. They all simultaneously answered with 'It's a surprise'. Since then they all refused to talk to each other unless it was during patrol.

But tonight was the reveal of their surprise and it was also time for patrol.

Everyone who was not dressing up for Halloween (Bruce) was already gathered in the Cave. The only people missing were Cass, Jason, Dick, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, Damian, and you.

"Alfred, where are the boys and girls?"

"Master Damian and Miss Cass are in their bedrooms, and the rest are on their way."

Bruce returned back to what he was working on as Spoiler and Signal pulled in. A couple of minutes later, everyone was in the cave laughing to themselves; except Bruce.

The 'surprise' was that everyone was dressed as each other. Jason was Spoiler, Dick was Signal, Cass was Red Robin, Tim was Nightwing, Steph was Orphan, Duke was Robin, Damian was s/h/n and you were Red Hood.

Bruce sighed as he watched you guys tried to impersonate each other. Patrol was going to be confusing, more than usual. It didn't help that everyone was staying in character.

The rest of the night you guys spent it confusing everyone and giving the police department and Bruce headaches. It was wonderful and fun. 

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