Sprained Ankle

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Requested on Tumblr: HI! I'm sorry I don't request often but I was wondering if I could request a fic with Dick Grayson and a female reader and prompts 16 and 19 from the list? Thank you so much <3

a/n: Charger arrived early. Send in any requests for Tim, Dick, Steph, and Cass for we need more.

"Richard please put me down it's just a sprained ankle," you aid as your anxious boyfriend carried you to the caves' med bay.

"Fine but you have to let Alfred check that you're not severely injured," he said setting ou down on one of the medical beds.

You rolled your eyes but agreed. While Alfred checked your ankle you explained everything to Dick, and then the shouting and blaming started. You groaned in annoyance and laid back onto the bed. You let your mind wander to simpler times, but then you remembered that the simplest times were a lot more eventful and weird, now everything that happens seems normal. Even the flying swords.

"...I won't apologize!" Jason shouted, using Damian as a human shield against Dick.

"Besides! y/n was also participating!" Damian retaliated

You shot up from the bed and glared at Damian, "Hey! I was supervising, not participating. Besides you, two pushed me into participating."

"So what you are saying is that the three of you are to blame?" Dick asked.

"Yes! No, wait..."

"Thank you for clearing that babe!"

"Wait! No!"

"We'll be going home now! Bye!" your sweet boyfriend said picking you up bridal style.

"Richard John Grayson put me down!" You yelled as he carried you out of the cave.

"....well that was anticlimactic."


Thirty Minutes Earlier...

You stood on the edger of a building observing Robin's fighting style before joining in on the fight. The two of you punched, kicked, and knocked out almost all of the bad guys before Nightwing and Red Hood showed up to the party.

You're late," Robin said.

"You missed the fun," you added.

Red Hood sighed and shot the last standing henchman, "Ohhh soooo much fun!"

You rolled your eyes and walked up to your boyfriend giving him a sweet short kiss. "Why were you late?" you asked him.

"B wanted to talk to us about something," he replied kissing you back.

"Okay love birds we still have a mission to complete," Jason said annoyed.

"Right. s/h/n, Robin, Red go ahead and talk to Cobblepot, I'll stay here and wait for GCPD."


Twelve Minutes Earlier....

"Guys be careful!" you yelled at your boyfriends' idiotic brothers.

"Tt, when are we NOT careful, l/n?" Damian asked.

"Last night you almost crashed the Batmobile," you said tapping your chin. Damian scoffed while doing a backflip towards you.

"No, I didn't. I had everything under control," you scoffed.

"Sureee you did," Jason said, sneaking up behind you, "besides what's going to happen? Are we going to die? If so, been there done that."

You groaned and turned to smack him only for him to move out of the way and caused you to trip. You managed to catch yourself before hitting the ground. As you lifted yourself up you heard Jason laughing behind you. "You're going to regret that!" you said running towards him.

You chased him across multiple rooftops yelling profanities at him. A minute later you tripped on a pipe and twisted your ankle. You gripped your ankle in pain as the two boys you were supposed to be supervising ran towards you.

"Sh*t y/n, are you okay?" Jason asked you.

You hissed in pain as he touched your ankle, "Do I look okay?!?!"

While Jason 'helped' you get up, Damian contacted Dick. He wasn't happy when he saw you in pain.

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