I hate you, I love you Pt. 2

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Summary: You and Dick have been dating for two weeks and the team is just figuring that out. They're not surprised one bit. You almost died but Harley saved you.


When the Team found out that you and Robin were dating they weren't surprised. They were actually glad. No more yelling, no more stuff breaking, just peace, and quiet. Exactly what everyone had been praying for the past year or so. When you explained to them that you and
Robin didn't want anyone in the league to know you two were dating they all agreed to keep it a secret. Even if one of them can't keep secrets.

Everything was going smoothly but the League was getting suspicious. They knew that you and Robin hated each other's guts so why are you two so nice to each other? Every single one of them tried to get you guys to talk, they all failed, even Black Canary. You would think that Batman would know but no, he's too busy with justice. Alfred knew; he's Agent A, he knows e v e r y t h i n g.

Anyway, the Team was in Gotham cuz Batman was off-world and that city is like a five-year-old. Leave it alone and chaos is sure to ensue. Batman would've asked the league but his rouges made it pretty clear that they don't like Superman arresting them or Green Lantern locking them up in a green box. It isn't a great experience.

You and Robin were patrolling the city when Harley and Ivy decided it would be a great time to not do anything bad. They were going on a friendly date. It was weird seeing them out and not destroying anything. But that wasn't important. Scarecrow was releasing a new fear toxin in Crime Alley and the team not being that experienced suffered some backlash. 

  You pulled your knees into your chest as you had more trouble breathing. You closed your eyes and tried to get over your fear. But it wasn't that simple. So many fears and the one that decided to show up today was rejecting. Dick leaving you for someone else, the team not thinking you are good enough.   

You heard a voice off in the distance but you couldn't figure out who it was. You heard shouting and things crashing while this fear Robin antagonized you. A moment later you felt a sharp sting in your arm as Robin disappeared and your vision was restored. You opened your eyes just to encounter a smiling Harley Quinn and a worried Robin.

"Hiya sweetie!" Harley said while Robin pulled you in for a hug. You looked at your surroundings and noticed Scarecrow was hanging a few feet upside down in the air, being held up by plants and Alfred was holding a shotgun.

"s/h/n are you okay?" Robin asked you.

"I guess... why is Agent A here?"

"I'm here because I was informed you needed assistance," Alfred said walking towards you and helping you up, "It seems everything is handled now, thank you, Miss Quinn, Miss Ivy."

"No worries," Ivy said. You looked around the room and saw that the team was nowhere to be found.

"Where's everyone else?"

"They went back to Mt. Justice."


"He's back..."

"Oh shi...."


You quietly sat on the med bed as you and Robin waited for Bruce. The last thing you heard from the team was that he was mad and the team now had to do extra training as punishment. Something you weren't looking forward to.

"Are you sure you are feeling okay y/n?" Dick asked you. 

  Before Dick could answer the batmobile pulled up into the cave. The both of you left the med bay and shuffled over to the main area where a pissed off Bruce was waiting. You stayed silent not wanting to piss him off more.   

"I remember telling you if Joker or Scarecrow broke out of Arkham and tried to take over the city to call the Justice League," B said taking his cowl off.

"Sorry, sir."

"Then why didn't you? The both of you could've gotten killed."

"It won't happen again, sir."

Bruce sighed and looked at you then at Dick. "Just... next time call me."

Dick and you nodded and began to walk away before Bruce stopped the both of you.

"Oh, and Wally told me you two were dating. Is that true?"

You stared at the ground and mumbled, "Wally can't keep his mouth shut can he?"

 "That's my best friend you're talking about y/n," Dick said. You looked up and stuck your tongue out at him.

"And I'm your girlfriend, Wonder Bread."

"Wonder Bread?!?"

"Is Bread Wonder better?"

The both of you began to argue forgetting that Bruce was literally next to you, but that didn't matter. All that matter was that you two were safe.

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