Swords and Birds

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v/n - Vigilante Name

Warning: language  

v/n sighed as they paced the dark halls of Nanda Parbat. They had been summoned by Ra's al Ghul to discuss something. And boyyyyy were they nervous. v/n wasn't the best trainee in the place. As a matter of fact, they were the worst, but they managed. They never had the guts to kill their victims and they were always nice and compassionate. Which was considered a weakness. But, they excelled at their training. If it weren't for their kindness and compassion they would be at the top of the class surpassing the demon's grandson.

v/n stopped pacing when one of Ra's servants called out for them. They straightened their uniform and weapons and walked into the room. Once they reached him, they bowed and got on one knee, "You summoned me, sir."

Ra's signaled for v/n to stand up and follow him. He walked towards a balcony and stared at the sky. "I've been informed that you are having trouble completing missions. Is that true?" He asked.

"It's... it's true, sir," They gulped.

Ra's turned to face them. He looked at them as they tried to avoid his gaze. He walked towards them, lifted their chin and stared deeply into their soul. After a bit, he moved away from v/n and walked towards his desk.

"I need you for a mission that you mustn't tell anyone else. Understood?" He said taking out an envelope.

"Understood, sir." v/n said straightening their posture.

"I need you to find my grandson and heir to the League, Damian, and give him this envelope." He walked towards v/n with the envelope in hand and handed it to them, "You will leave tonight. Pack your items and go to Gotham City. You will find him at Wayne Manor."

"Yes, sir." v/n said as they bowed and left the room. Once inside the hall v/n ran to their quarters and got the items necessary for the trip. Weapons, clothing, and a first-aid kit. Everything they thought would be necessary. After making sure everything was in their duffel bag, they made their way to the League's helipad with two other assassins that Ra's put as an escort. They got in the helicopter and made their way to Gotham City.

------Timeskip to Gotham-------

Once they arrived at Gotham, v/n and the other two assassins made their way to one of the League's safehouses and ditched their belongings (Besides their weapons). After planning how they were to deliver the letter to Damian, they left for Wayne Manor using the cover of darkness. v/n disabled the alarms placed around the perimeter of the home and sneaked in through the second-floor balcony. Just as they were about to close the balcony door they got attacked by a four foot nine inches tall killer cinnamon roll.

v/n took out their sword and returned the attacks. Luckily, Damian was the only one home. The butler, Alfred, was in England taking care of a family problem, and Damian brother's and father were out patrolling the city. Damian and v/n clashed swords as he tried to get answers. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!?!" He demanded.

"I'm a mere messenger," v/n said dodging his attacks, "Now stop trying to kill me so we can talk like civilized humans." 

Damian lowered his sword and glared at v/n. How can a kid that small have a terrifying glare? They thought as they also lowered their sword. v/n slowly made their way towards Damian and stopped a foot in front of him. They got out the envelope Ra's gave them and looked at it before handing it the kid.

"Your grandfather ordered me to give this to you," v/n said.

"What's in it?" Damian asked as he carefully studied it.

v/n looked at the envelope then at Damian and shrugged, "No clue."

Damian opened the envelope and studied its contents. Inside was a letter detailing everything that would happen if he didn't return to his rightful place. After Damian finished reading the letter he ripped it into pieces and looked at the assassin in front of him. This assassin was different. They looked extremely harmless and clueless. 

He looked up at the assassin and said, "I need you to go back to Nanda Parbat and tell my grandfather that I'm not going to return."

"Yes sir," v/n said hesitantly. So that's why Ra's didn't want anyone knowing. If she failed she would be executed. Fuck. They turned to leave the same way the came in through before Damian stopped them.

"Make sure that after you tell my grandfather that I'm not going to return... that you disappear."

"Excuse me?" v/n asked the teen confused.

"You have lots of talent, and I would really hate seeing it get thrown away. Start a new life somewhere where the League can't find you," Damian advised.

The assassin nodded and opened the porch door, "Until next time Robin." They said as the ran off the porch. Damian walked towards the door and closed it knowing it wouldn't be long before they would meet again under different circumstances. 



 v/n walked up to Ra al Ghul and stood in their spot hand on their sword. Ra looked at the assassin, surprised by their action.

"Did you complete the mission?" Ra's asked.

"I delivered the envelope, and I also have a response," v/n said confidently.

Ra's walked towards the assassin, "And what is my grandson's response?"

"Robin said that he has no plan on returning and that Mara, his cousin, should be appointed as heir."

Ra's looked at the assassin shocked by their words. Appoint Mara as heir of the League? The girl could barely lead the Demon's Fist. What made Damian think that Mara was capable of leading?

He turned away from the assassin and said, "You have failed the mission. Guards, get rid of them."

v/n quickly pulled out their sword and blocked the attacks of the guards. At this rate, they were going to die. More guards came into the to escort Ra's out. v/n managed to hold the guards off as the made their way to a window. The guards surrounded v/n as they lowered their sword. They looked out the window and saw that they were on the edge of a cliff. They turned to look at the assassins in front of them and contemplated how much they hated their life right now.

As the assassins made a move against v/n, they threw themselves out the window. Shattering the glass into millions of pieces. The assassin's stared at their formal ally as they chose to jump to their honorless death.

v/n started cursing under their breath when they realized the stupid ass mistake they made by jumping out the damn window. Now they were free falling and about to belly flop in a freezing cold sea when a big red furry creature showed up and caught them.

"What the fuck..." Was what v/n managed to get out before that same creature dropped them face first into the ground. They got up and looked up at the sky and saw a small green, red and yellow figure waving at them from afar. v/n waved back at the figure as they pushed themselves off the ground. Once Robin was out of sight, v/n made their way towards civilization to start a new assassinless life. 

a/n: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this, if not then okay. Anyway, good and bad comments are welcomed. I need criticism, and requests are still open btw. I have another Damian fic on its way, but other than that I have nothin. See ya!

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