Sibling Bonding

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Summer break had arrived, and Damian couldn't be happier. But that happiness flew out the window when Bruce decided to leave him in Jason's care for the summer. Jason didn't care, but he was glad for the company during missions.

Currently, the two vigilantes were lounging around one of Jason's apartments doing their own thing. Damian was playing a video game, and Jason was reading a book.

After hearing a string of mumbled profanities coming from next to him, Jason looked up from his book. He glanced at the tv, then at Damian. "You okay there, kiddo?"

Damian ignored his brother as he leaned forwards, teeth bared and ready to yell at the screen. Jason stared in amusement. The last time Jason saw Damian this angry, was when he got caught in a prank.

Jason returned his attention to the book as Damian proceded to fall off the couch after losing the current match. He glanced over his book and chuckled as Damian sighed in resignation.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Damian glared at Jason as he sat up. "Yes, I'm sure. But I do need some help."

Jason smiled as he put his book down. "Hand over the control."

Not even five minutes later were both Jason and Damian yelling at the tv.




"WHA- HOW?!?!"

The two boys looked at the flashing screen, mouths agape. Jason grumbled something incoherently before shutting down the game and picking up his book.

Damian slid off the couch and laid on the floor. "We're failures."

"No, the game is rigged."

"That too."

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