Sneaking Out

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Requested by zatanna247 : Jason Todd or Tim Drake x reader sneaking out to a Halloween Party

a/n: We need more Tim Drake in our lives

Key: bf/n: Best Friends Name

You groaned in annoyance as you spun around in the Batcave. Tim was out completing a mission for Bruce and you were stuck in the cave because you were babysitting an injured Damian. You weren't happy and he wasn't happy either.

"Will you stop?" Damian said, looking up from his game.

"Nope," you said, staring at the cave's ceiling. Instead of arguing with you, Damian returned to his game.

You sighed and got out your phone. When you turned it on you were met with messages from your non-vigilante friends. Most of them were angry messages from you not answering them and the rest are angry messages about you not being at a certain Halloween party.

You quickly replied to your best friend and turned off your phone before making your way towards the elevator.

"l/n, where are you going?" Damian asked you.

"To Tim's room, when he comes back, tell him to meet me by the front gate dressed in his Halloween costume. Make sure your dad is not listening, then you can leave," you answered.

Damian was going to protest but upon hearing you say that he would be able to leave, he stayed silent.

Once you were in Tim's room, you grabbed your backpack from the corner of the room and pulled out your Halloween costume. You quickly changed and snuck out through the window. When you made it to the gate you adjusted your costume.

After a couple minutes of waiting in the cold, Tim showed up in still in his suit. "Why did Damian told me to meet you here?"

You turned to face him and said, "Don't you remember the party?!? bf/n is going to kill me. No, they're going to kill us!"

"I'm sorry I kinda forgot, and Bruce stills needs me."

"Timmy, my love, you've been working non-stop for the past two weeks. You need a break."

Tim sighed and walked next to you. "Fine, but we need to go now before Bruce finds out we're missing and that you let Damian go."

You squealed in excitement and quickly hugged him. Then you pulled away when you realized he was going as himself.

"Won't they recognize you though?" You asked him.

Tim looked at his costume then shrugged his shoulders. "I'll change the mask. Now let's go!"

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