Halloween Costume H/C

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a/n: Since Damian and Duke are minors you guys will be friends yay. And if you are a guy then you'll dress as the same person just as if they were a guy. Also not all of the batfam members will be here

FYI some friends helped me on this so some its a combination of different opinions



- He'll dress up as Ash

- and somehow convince you to dress as Misty

-He also somehow manages to get Alfred the cat in a Pikachu suit

- Dami did not find that amusing


- he probably wouldn't dress up as anything

- he would be himself or a zombie

-unless Bruce pissed him off

-then you can catch him at the Halloween gala as either a Green Lantern or Superman

-If he does go as Superman, you go as Lois Lane

-"Why are we doing this again?"

"Bruce pissed me off."


-This year you and Tim decided to dress up as Ghostbusters

- Tim and you have been working on your costumes since March

- In the end, it was worth it

- You guys made functional equipment

- And some fake monsters/ghosts to go with the costumes

-"y/n do you think we exaggerated a bit?"



- You won't catch him wearing a costume

- But you force him to wear one

-He would dress like a ghost and say he's Jason

-but you wouldn't let him

-"y/n, please"

"No Damian"

- You and Jon decided to dress up as Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, while Damian dresses up as Harry Potter

-It took a lot of convincing and dodging knives

-In the end, he can't say no to his friends


- Halloween is the one day he can dress as Robin and no one can tell him shit

- You help him make the costume

- And when the rest of the batfam saw you two they were surprised

- he even tried to imitate Damian

- it was funny

- you dressed up as Batgirl


-Either a Ballerina or Batman

-Why Batman? Cuz she's the best Batman

- You would probably go as Catwoman

- You are the Catwoman to her Batman

- You two are the best couple though

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