A Little O.D.D

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I was wondering if you could write an imagine with batsis!reader based off of O.D.D. by Hey Violet? Extra angsty pretty please? Like the reader has trouble in school and no one really likes her?  - Anon

a/n: Mwahahahahaha here's some angst! I'm kidding or am I? I don't know anymore. The video above isn't mine. All credit to Hey Violet. 

Warning: Deals with death, angst, language, nightmares, mentions of suicide, there's also time skips 

You usually had nice and peaceful dreams, dreams where your life was perfect. Like tonight, it was just you and your mom eating ice cream while taking a walk in the park. Enjoying the scenery. Then it changed. Your mom was under a car while you were on the side of the road trying to crawl towards her. You tried to shout but you couldn't. No sound would come out of your mouth. The closer you got the further away she moved. Just when you thought you could reach her, the car exploded.


You woke up in a start. You were gasping for air as tears rained down your face. You glanced at the door then at your alarm clock which was playing your favorite song. You turned it off and got off your bed wiping off your tears.


"GODDAMMIT DAMIAN I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!" you shouted at the closed door. You couldn't deal with Damian's personality, and he couldn't deal with your whole existence. He hated you with a burning passion. He thought you were just a person trying to get in the way of his family. He didn't like you at all. And he was going to use every single minute of his life to let you know. 

You stomped to your closet and pulled out your uniform and shoes and stomped to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After getting changed and fixing your hair you glared at your reflection. You had bags under eyes from not properly sleeping and your scars from the car accident were still visible.

You dreaded waking up every morning just to go to a school where they make fun of you for no reason other than the fact that you were the product of a one night stand and that you were a charity chase. You ran out of the bathroom and quickly grabbed your phone, headphones, and backpack. You put your headphones in and put on the first song that came up on your playlist.

I was raised by a mom

who told me I should never listen to another voice
But my own

You hummed along to the lyrics as you pushed Damian out of your doorway and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Tt, why do you always take so long?" Damian complained.
Now I've grown up, now I know
That when I'm tryna be myself it isn't so simple

"Well, I didn't want to see your ugly ass face this early in the morning," you retorted.

You saw Damian clench his fist from the corner of your so you took off running before he could throw the punch. 

Some days I wake up I just wanna hide under the covers

If only that were possible you thought...
'Cause no matter what I do I'll never be like all the other

You grabbed an apple from the counter and sprinted the driveway before anyone could strike a conversation with you.

"What's up with her?" you heard someone ask. You sighed and opened up the front door. Life wasn't going to get any easier, was it?

I'm a little O.D.D
Most people really don't get me

All the way to school Damian wouldn't stop glaring or complaining about you. Honestly, you were too tired to care. Once you were in school you made a beeline for your first class. You really didn't hang out with anyone. All your friends were back home in Keystone. Once in your class, you walked to your sit in the back far corner of the room, your head hanging down.

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