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Last part to 'Oh No...'

You and Damian decided to wait a week to tell his family about the new unexpected family member. In the meantime, you had been doing some research online about teen pregnancies but you honestly couldn't find shit. It was also kinda hard to find people who wouldn't judge you like your friends. You told your best friend and she was kinda disappointed, but she supported you all the way. She helped you avoid the school jerks and what not. Since the school year was almost over you wouldn't need to drop out. Your sister was genuinely concerned about your health. School was stressing and stress is bad for you and the baby. 

Right now in present time, Damian was standing against a wall impatiently tapping his foot. He was nervous. You two decided to tell Bruce and Selina first then his brothers. Selina and Bruce were in a 'meeting' and the batkids were all out training and having fun. 

After the meeting ended Alfred ushered you guys in Bruce's study where Bruce and Selina were waiting. "What did you guys need to talk to us about?" Bruce asked.

"I'm pregnant."

"She's pregnant."

You thought that telling them was going to be difficult. What was difficult was dealing with their batglare.

"What?" Both Selina and Bruce said in unison. Oh boy.

"Well... Um.. you see...."

"One thing happened, then another, and..."

"We may or may not forgot protection..."

"I'm not going to...."

"S/n threatened to kill... and I think she..."

"GUYS STOP!" Selina shouted, "Calm down. Take a deep breath and explain it again. One at a time."

Damian cleared his throat and took a step forward. "I got y/n pregnant, and I'm taking full responsibility."

"Damian, y/n you're only sixteen!" Bruce exclaimed. You clung to Damian's arm and whispered some reassuring words. "When did this happen?"

"I'm a month pregnant. We found out last week."

"So you've known for a week?" Selina asked. Bruce looked confused, worried, and mad.

"Um yeah," you whispered. Bruce sighed and leaned back in his chair as Selina walked up to you and gave you a hug. You stood there frozen. Why was she hugging you? Selina stopped hugging you and walked back towards Bruce. "We are glad you guys came to tell us but you should've told us sooner."

"Sorry," you and Damian muttered.

"If you guys need help with anything just ask," Bruce said standing up. You and Damian both nodded and sprinted out of the room before he could say anything.

Bruce sighed as Selina closed the door to the study. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather."


You and Damian were in his bedroom trying to forget about the conversation with Bruce, it wasn't bad, it was just... embarrassing. You were looking up baby names while Damian was telling you how he was going to train his child to be better than anyone in the universe.

"Damian, I'm sorry but I'm not letting you train our child to be a killing machine."

"Fine, I'll just train him to be the greatest Batman ever."

"How do you know it's a boy and not a girl?"

"Beloved, I love you but please don't start this."

"Start what? I'm just saying what is it's a girl. Would you train them to be Batgirl?"

"Tt, yes."

You looked at your boyfriend and sighed, "No swords or guns." You returned to looking at your phone when all of the sudden your phone was on the ground and Damian was on top of you. "Then how will our child protect themselves from the dangers of the world, beloved?"

Before you could answer the bedroom door swung open and in came an extremely shocked Richard. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'CHILD'! Y/N! DAMIAN! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG! OH MY GAWD IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE! JAY! TIM! CASS!"

You sighed and pushed Damian off of you. "Dick, could you please calm down?"

"Nu-uh! Details! Explain!" Dick demanded as he jumped onto Damian's bed next to you.

"What do want Dick?" Jason asked annoyed.

"Damian is pregnant! I mean y/n!" 

Damian grumbled in annoyance as he shut the door on his siblings face. "Dick, could you please leave so y/n can rest?"

"Sure! We'll talk later!" and with that Dick rushed out of the room to talk to Bruce.

"Well, then. I'm staying in this room."


"Brucey! Did you know that y/n is pregnant!" Dick shouted as he entered the kitchen.

A chorus of what's came from the family members that didn't know. They were surprised, to say the least.

"Yes, Dick, I do know."

"Hold on, you're telling me that Damian, the kid that can kill anyone with a single touch is getting more action than me?" Jay said.

"Yeah, no kidding," Tim said.

"Hey! If you think about it there's going to be a new family member!" Steph exclaimed. At this exact moment Duke, Luke, Kate, and Cass walked in. "What's this I hear about a new family member?" Kate asked.

"You adopt a new kid Bruce?" Duke asked. Cass and Luke chuckled at the comment but quickly shut up when they noticed him glaring.

"Actually no, Damian got y/n pregnant," Barbara replied.

"What?" All four said in unison. 

"I got y/n pregnant and the baby is going to be your nephew/niece. Hurt them I hurt you," Damian said in annoyance.

"Uh, congrats?" Duke said. Damian rolled his eyes as he reached for a cup. Cass walked towards him and gave him a hug before letting him go and going to look for you.

"So is it a girl or boy?" Steph asked.

"Go away, Brown."

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