Stargazing and Unconfessed Love

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Requested by: zatanna247      
a one shot with Robin dick Greyson they like each other but won't confess.

Sometimes during the night you would go outside and stare at the moon and stars. You enjoyed the view. It was nice, peaceful. There were times where you would fall asleep and your parents would find you outside. They would warn you about the dangers of being outside late at night but you didn't care you continued stargazing.

Then you met a certain birdie, Robin. On one of his patrols, he caught you stargazing. You looked at peace with the world. You were so distracted by the sky that you didn't notice him sitting down next to you until he spoke and you smacked him on reflex.

Eventually, stargazing became your guy's thing. Every night after Robin finished patrolling the both of you would stargaze. Some nights when Batman would go look for Robin he would find the both of you curled up next to each other. It was adorable.

As the weeks passed by, the both of you started to develop feelings for each other. Feelings that were quite obvious to Alfred and Bruce but not to you and Dick. You can't hide anything from Alfred.

When he first told you he who he was under the mask you were surprised, but not too surprised. You kinda figured that out when you got a scholarship to Gotham Academy and somehow you and Dick ended up in almost all the same classes. What made it weird was that it happened after two weeks of meeting Dick. Two weeks was all it took for you and Robin to become friends, and for you to properly apologize for smacking him. Multiple times. 

After Dick revealed he was Robin, they two of began to hang out more. He snuck you into the Batcave once with Alfred's help. You may or may not have taken the Batmobile for a spin once or twice. 

But as the months passed your feelings for each other grew more. It was a lot more noticeable now. Whenever you two got the chance you two would spend it together. People would often confuse you two for a couple. The confusion would upset you. The both of you. If only it were true.

Things started to get a bit more complicated after Barbara joined the Batfam. Dick started to spend more time with her. Your friendship was starting to be more like a third wheel instead.

Then on the day, you were going to confess your feelings you got a random text from someone. They didn't say anything, all the message had was a picture of Dick and Barbara kissing. It broke your heart. After that, you just stopped going to the Manor after school, you stopped stargazing. 

Dick started to notice you were becoming more distant towards him but he thought it was just because of how much school was stressing you out. But it still hurt him. He missed hearing your voice, he missed your eyes, your smile. He missed you, and you missed him. 

One stressful night, you decided to sneak to the roof of your home to relax a bit. When you got there you saw Dick sitting on the edge of the roof staring at the sky. Before you could turn around and go back inside Dick had already noticed you. 

"Can't sleep?" He asked you. You sighed and shook your head. Dick smiled and patted the spot next to him. You walked towards him and sat down.

"What's keeping you up?" He asked.

"Not much," you answered, "I just... I guess I didn't feel like sleeping."

Dick grinned and looked back at the sky. "It's nice isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

The both of you spent the next couple hours just sitting in silence and staring at the night sky. You didn't realize you missed moments like these. Just you and Dick without a single care in the world. No problems, no rumors, just you guys and the peacefulness of the night. 

Right around 2 am, you called it a night. Right as you were getting ready to leave, Dick stopped you and pulled you in for a hug. You returned the hug and laid your head against him.

"n/n you are one of the best people I've met," Dick whispered. 

"I could say the same about you, boy wonder," you whispered back. You pulled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking away. "Good night Wonder Bread!"

"Don't call me that!" Dick laughed as he took out his grappling gun. You rolled your eyes and waved as he left. 

Guess being friends is the best for now. 

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