Elf Adventures

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Requested on Tumblr: May I please request for the reader to be an elf and land into the hands of the Batfam? The reader is also very fast and sneaky, surprisingly, and helps with missions. Please? If so, thank you!

December, every little kids favorite month only because Christmas existed. It was a wonderful month, but a stressful one too. People panicking about gifts, students stressing over finals, and superheroes, vigilantes and bad guys slipping on ice. What a wonderful month!

Elves ran from station to station carrying toys and trinkets with them. You were one of those elves, but you weren't exactly working. Nope, you were looking over a map of Gotham City. Why? Because it was your job now to deliver gifts to the children there this year.

Each year, Santa hand-picked a group of elves to help him on his expedition and this year you were one of them. You considered yourself lucky, as Santa always chose the most well-behaved elves.

You drummed your fingers against your leg as sat outside of your assigned workshop. You were nervous. You have only left the North Pole once in your life, but that was only for a few minutes. Now you were leaving for an unknown amount of hours, and your assigned city was supposedly one of the most dangerous cities in America. Maybe the world. What a joy.

Once you were done being nervous, you dusted off some snow that had landed on your shoulders and entered the chaotic workshop. You ducked as toys flew over your head. You spent your life in that workshop and you could never get used to the flying toys or magic. You didn't realize you had zoned out until you felt some harsh tapping on your shoulder.

"Y/NNNNN wake up!" your best friend shouted.

You snapped out of your daze and turned your attention to the elf in front of you. "Yeah?"

"It's almost Christmas you should be heading to Gotham," B/F/N said handing you a paper. You sighed and quickly read the paper which turned out to be a list of all the children in Gotham. When you finished reading the paper you folded it up and placed it in one of your vests pockets.


B/F/N quickly gave you a hug and wished you luck before running off to continue their work. This was going to be a long night.


Christmas night was usually a quiet night in Gotham. Usually. Villains would spend time with friends and family and not cause chaos. Which is a nice gesture on their part.

But there was someone causing trouble. On accident.

You ran as fast as you could from two dogs. Two dogs who were really close to ripping you to pieces. You would use your magic to get away but it currently wasn't working.

"I'm a friend, not an enemy!" you cried out as an attempt to stop them. After a few minutes of running, you quickly glanced over your shoulder and skid to a stop. You weren't being chased anymore.

Just when you thought everything was fine someone tackled you. You yelped when you felt something sharp press against the back of your neck.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" your attacked asked.

You moved your head to the side and glared at the person on top of your back. "I'll give you answers if you could kindly get off me, thank you."


You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Fine, my name is Y/N, and I have no clue what am I doing or where I am."

When the person, who you now concluded was a kid, finally got off your back you got up and fixed your clothes. "Right, sorry for trespassing but I must go now. Bye!"

Before you could even move, you were surrounded by what seemed to be the Batfamily. You looked up at Batman and caught him glaring at you with amusement.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, why did you break into Wayne Manor?" Robin asked.

"And why are you dressed as an elf?" Red Robin added. You glanced down at your clothes before turning your attention to the vigilantes.

"So this IS Wayne Manor. I thought I was in a dead zone for magic," you said, whispering the last part to yourself.

"You never answered our question."

You rubbed your eyes and groaned. So many questions, so little time to answer them. "Ugh, I'm one of Santa's elves and I was helping him deliver gifts when my magic failed and I landed here. Satisfied?"

Robin and Red Robin started laughing when you finished speaking. You rolled eyes and put your hands on your hips. "Don't believe me?"

"N-no," Red Robin laughed. You sighed in annoyance and reached into one of your pockets and took out an envelope. The envelope looked any other but it was directed to Batman or Bruce Wayne. Santa had given it to you in case something happened and you needed help.

"This is for you Mister Wayne, " you said handing the envelope to Batman. Robin and Red Robin stopped laughing and looked at you in confusion. You only smirked as Batma- Bruce read the letter.

When Bruce finished reading the letter, he placed it back in the envelope and handed it back to you. "They're telling the truth."

Damian glared at you as he shook his head in disbelief. "Wait, if elves are real, then is Santa real?" Tim asked you. You just shrugged your shoulders.

"Come on, we don't need anyone else knowing of Y/N's existence," Bruce said, walking past you and his sons. You quickly followed after him with Tim and Damian following close behind.

Once inside the manor, you were greeted by the two dogs who had chased you earlier and a group of people.

"Who's the walking Christmas tree?" The tallest of the group asked. You ignored his comment and turned towards Bruce.

"I should really be going, any chance there's a spot here that isn't, I don't know, anti-elf magic?"

"Not that I am aware of, sorry."

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "That's fine. I'll figure something out."

"Bruceeeeee, who's that?" Asked another person. You turned to face the rest of the Batfamily who were curiously looking at you.

"Oh, sorry, guess I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Y/N, and as I have explained to Mr. Wayne and Drake, I'm an elf."

"An elf?"

"I'm not explaining myself."


"Drop it, Dick."

After explaining your situation to everyone, they agreed to help you finish your rounds and get you home. But that wasn't the last of your adventures together.

Whenever you weren't busy or needed in the North Pole, you would go to Gotham and help the Batfamily in missions. Your presence would always confuse the bad guys. Always.

"Let's go on a simple mission she said, it'll be easy she said," you exclaimed. "You lied! Steph! You lied!"

Stephanie laughed as the both of you ran from the burning warehouse. "It was the only way to get you to come! Besides, I'm the one that got caught not you!"

You sighed at Stephanie's childish act as you caught up to him. You looked over your shoulder and admired your guys work. At least you two managed to prevent Black Mask from distributing weapons for a while.

"Although you gotta admit, their reactions when they realized you were in the room were hilarious," Stephanie said coming to a stop.

"True, but the next time you plan on dragging me on a dangerous mission don't lie. And invite Cass."

"Whatever you say elfie."

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