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  Can you write where the reader is poison Ivys and Jokers daughter and has a One nightstand with Damian and she is 16 and pregnant with Damian's baby ps no smut needed

a/n: My life is spiraling downhill; Minor change- age bumped up to 18. 

Key: b/n - baby's name

Warning: Mentions of sex, alcoholic drinks, this is terrible

Who would've guessed that Pamela Isley or otherwise known as Poison Ivy would've hooked up with the damn Joker? No one, not even them. So when the rouge's all decided to go get drinks and have a good time they made the mistake of not having someone to tell them when to stop drinking. Like an adult.

The morning after, Harley and multiple rouges had to drag Ivy away from Joker before she could kill him. Oh, how she regrets not killing that sad pathetic clown. Especially after finding out she was pregnant with you. Surprise surprise. 

That's what Harley told you when you asked her what lead to your existence. She loves you as if you were her daughter. Every time you asked her about your father when you were younger she would sugarcoat everything. Now that you are older even you wonder why that sicko is alive. 

People already gave you enough bullshit with you being Jokers daughter, even the batfamily. Whenever you went out be it as a civilian or with your mom someone was always following. Usually, it was Robin who would stalk you, sometimes Red Hood. You remember Harley telling you that the sperm donor kidnapped Hoodie and left him to die in a warehouse after beating him with a crowbar. 

  Whenever you go out with your mom, you and Robin always end up fighting. And that fighting usually always end up with someone getting pinned. Mostly Robin because you take him by surprise with your amazing plant powers. You'd think after years of messing around he would be more attentive.   

Today was no different. Your mom wanted to see how well you would do out in the real world with people so she had Harley take you out to a club. Yeah sure, take the plant-human hybrid person to a club with drunk idiots what could go wrong.

Once in the club Harley ditched you and went off to look for her buddies. Yay. You decided to avoid the dance floor and head straight to the bar for a drink.

Before you even left the dance floor someone had wrapped their arms around your waist and pulled you towards them. "Care to dance, y/n?" 

You turned around and raised your hand to slap the stranger but then you realized it, Damian Wayne, otherwise known as Robin. "So?"

"Fine Mr. Wayne," you said, "But I won't be responsible for your injuries the next time you sneak up on me."

"Whatever you say, Miss Isley." 

Damian and you spent the rest of the night together since Harley accidentally ditched you. After what seemed to be twenty drinks a drunk Damian took you back to one of his safehouses and one thing lead to another.

The next morning you woke up to a pounding feeling in your head and last nights events were a bit hazy. You remembered your mom telling Harley that you had to be home before one, crashing into Damian, and Harley ditching you. You also remembered drinking wayyyy too much.

You slowly lifted yourself up and studied your surroundings. There was an array of weapons hanging from the wall in front of you, your clothes were all over the floor and Damian was sleeping naked next to you. When you came to your senses you began to freak out. You hooked up with the Bats kid. If your dad weren't Joker that would be okay, but no. This was bad.

As quickly and silently as you could, you got off the bed, picked your clothes off the floor and put them on before running out of Damian's safehouse. Once you were a safe distance away you called your mom, who was extremely worried. After she yelled at you for ten minutes for worrying her she picked you up and took you home.

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