Oh no...

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Requested on Tumblr: Please write a 16 year old Damien Wayne x 16 year old female reader about the reader and Damien waking up after their first time together and a month later she finds out she is pregnant and tells and Damien and Damien is panicking at first but after she calls him down they tell the bat family

a/n: A lot of research had to be done. This may end up being a three-part series also.

The sun ray's gently kissed your skin as you slept peacefully next to your lovely boyfriend, Damian Wayne. You slowly opened your eyes and admired how peaceful Damian looks asleep. He looked calm. He looked like he wasn't carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. You sighed contently and turned to lay on your back. You felt an arm wrap around your waist and pull you somewhere. You turned to look at Damian and saw he was awake.

"Good morning beloved," Damian said, kissing your forehead.


"How do you feel?" He asked you whilst softly pushing your hair away from your face.

"A little sore, but other than that I feel perfectly fine."

You and Damian stayed in bed for a while before deciding to get up and get on with the day. You had a feeling you two forgot something, but you brushed it away.

A month later and you were feeling like crap. You were vomiting a lot even though you weren't sick and you noticed that your period was late. You began to freak out when you realized that you and Damian didn't use protection. What were you going to do? You can't have a kid! After your sister left for work, you snuck off to the drug store to buy multiple pregnancy tests. An older lady who was in the store looked at disappointed and she started ranting about how teens these days are so lazy and they don't care about their education only about sex and drugs. 

Mhm, sure.

After paying for the tests, you ran home and did the tests. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. You bought six tests. Six. and after waiting to see if they were positive or negative. They all turned out to be positive. 

You were freaking out for real now. What the hell were you supposed to do? You lived with your sister, your parents weren't in your life at all, and you didn't know how your sister or Damian would react. After an hour an hour of freaking out and crying, your sister found you still crying in your room.

"y/n? What's wrong?"

You looked up at her and pointed at one of the pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter. s/n walked towards it and picked it up. She looked at the pregnancy test then at you. She put the stick down and sat down next to you and hugged. You leaned into her and cried even more.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," she reassured you.

"Bu... but what if he... What if..."

"Shhh, no but's or if's. Who's the dad?"

"My boy...boyfriend... Damian."

Your sister sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "You need to talk to him about it after we confirm with the doctor."


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