You Are What?

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Part Two of 'Oh No...'

Warning: Slight mentions of abortions but doesn't actually happen.

a/n: One more part left!

Your sister was nervous, mad, and excited. Which was surprising. You expected her to react differently, but you were glad she didn't disown you. But right now she was pacing around the room while you waited for the test results and it was nerve-racking.

"s/n will you stop and sit down! I'm the one that's supposed to be nervous!"

Your sister stopped pacing and turned towards you. "Excuseeeee me, but this situation is extremely stressful. Especially for me! What the hell am I supposed to do to help you! I know nothing about pregnancies cause school failed to teach me crap! And how is Damian going to react! I swear to god if the shrimp does not help you with this...this... CHILD, then someone's body is going missing!" s/n exclaimed as she continued to pace around the room. Now you were wondering who was really pregnant. You or your sister?

You sighed and took out your phone. You had twenty missed messages and 5 missed calls from Damian. You unlocked your phone and opened the texts. The majority of the texts consisted of why aren't you answering, are you sick, why aren't you at school, are you in trouble? The kid was clingy. And protective.

Just as you were locking your phone the doctor came in with the test results. Your sister stopped pacing for reals this time and looked at the doctor. "So? Is she preggo or not?"

"Calm down s/n, and yes, y/n is pregnant," The doc said as she flipped through some papers. Your sister groaned in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose before leaving the room. Well then, there goes your emotional support.

"Look y/n, I know this is a lot take in but, there are other..."

"No," you interrupted. "I know I'm sixteen and there are risks, but I'm not going to abort. I... I'll figure something out."

"Okay, I had a feeling you were going to say that so here are some pamphlets with useful information," She said as she handed you multiple pamphlets and the test results. You took the papers and skimmed through them. The majority of them were about diet and nutrition, what to do and what not. "Alright, that's all. I'll see you next month?"

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." You walked out into the hall and crashed into your sister. Just as you were about to fall she caught you and hugged you.

"I'm so sorry for leaving! I'm a crappy sister! Are you alright is my nephew/niece alright?"

"Uh, yeah, let's go. I still need to tell Damian."


After leaving the doctor's office you called Damian and asked him to meet you at your place. Your sister agreed to give you two some privacy but knowing her, she probably was just going to stand outside your bedroom door ready to barge in and knock him out. Now you were pacing around your room. Multiple questions ran through your thoughts as you waited. Like, was he going to leave you? Or was he going to force you to do something you don't want to do?

Twenty minutes later, someone knocked on your bedroom door. You fixed your clothes and wiped whatever tears you had left on your face away and opened the door.

"Habibti is everything alright? Damian asked you pulling you in for a hug. You pulled away from the hug as more tears began to form in your eyes.


You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Damian, I'm... I'm pregnant."

Damian stopped breathing, and so did you. You stepped back as he sat down on your bed. You waited for him to do something. To say something. But he said nothing. 

 Five minutes passed and he stilled said nothing. He looked up at you as you shifted uncomfortably in your place and avoided his gaze. "How long?" He asked you.


"How long have you known."

You pulled out the test results and handed them to him. "I found out today..."

Damian took the papers from you and read them. And you thought you were nervous before. You felt as if your heart was going to jump out of your chest any moment now. Millions of questions and worst case scenarios passed through your mind. No matter how many times you told yourself that he would stay and help you raise your kid, the bad thoughts kept on coming back to torment you. 

You saw Damian's hand's shake as he let the test results fall onto the ground. His breathing was becoming a bit more shallow and uneven. You took a step back when he stood up and began to pace across your room, whispering to himself. You shut your eyes as tears raced down your face. 

"Dammit y/n. What are we going to do?!?" He exclaimed. You jumped at the sound of his voice but calmed down a bit. 

"I don't know..." you whispered.

"Does your sister know? Wait don't answer that of course she knows."

You opened your eyes and looked at Damian. His perfectly neat hair was messed up by how many times he ran his fingers through it and his cheeks were glistening with tears. This was the first time you've seen him cry. 

You quickly walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Hey, calm down. We'll... we'll figure something out. Maybe we could ask s/n."

Damian returned the hug and immediately his breathing began to even out. He pulled back and nodded as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You took his hand and lead him out of your room towards the living room where your beloved sister was waiting. She turned off the tv when she saw you two approaching her.

"So?" she said getting off the couch. 

"We were hoping you could help us figure out what to do next..." Damian murmured. 

Your sister hummed as she thought of what to tell you guys to help you, but in all honesty, she was clueless. "Okay... You guys need to... I don't know... talk to someone with experience and Damian. You need to tell your dad."

You and Damian shuddered at the thought of telling Bruce and his brothers. That conversation was not going to end well. 

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