Fake Cold

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Reader is supposed to go out on a date with their s/o but Tim is trying to do everything they can to prevent that. Even faking a cold. Reader is a year older than Dick.

The one day you had the entire day off Tim decided that that day was the perfect day to get a cold. The only day you could spend all day with your s/o. It's a miracle they haven't broken up with you, despite you giving them many reasons. So many reasons... Like overprotective brothers even though you were the oldest, annoying friends and family, random disappearances, having to leave mid-date, having to cancel a date, your family randomly appearing, the list goes on and on.

But this, this was ridiculous. You knew you couldn't blame Tim, actually, you could, if Tim hadn't stayed up all night running around in the RAIN then you wouldn't be in this problem. You would be somewhere relaxing, like the park. But nooooooooooooooooo.

You sighed as you leaned back into the couch. Tim was on your lap burying his face into your neck, shaking like a freaking back massager. You were going to get sick, then your dad was going to blame on it on you, then you're going to get grounded.

"n/n," Tim said.

"Yeah short stack?"

"I'm cold."

You sighed and pulled him off you to set him on the couch. "Stay here I'll be back."

He nodded and curled up into a ball as you walked to your room for the blanket. Once in your room, you grabbed a random blanket and a book. A bit later you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out and answered as you walked back downstairs to the living room.

It was your bf/gf asking you why you were late, for the fifth time this month. You explained everything to them while picking Tim up and rolling him up like a sushi roll. They were kinda annoyed. Scratch that they weren't kinda annoyed they were mad. You had promised them that you would be free all day but things happen.

"y/n am I dying?" Tim asked. You looked down at Tim and chuckled.

"Sorry, I have a clingy and feverish hacker on my lap. I'll call you back when I've convinced him that a cold doesn't mean he's dying okay babe?" you told your s/o.

There was a slight pause then the sound of objects crashing to the ground from the phone.

"Hey, how about I stop by and we watch some movies?" They asked you.

You looked down at Tim who was now curled up on your lap like a kitten before replying, "I don't want you getting sick, babe."

"Pfft, don't worry I have an extra strong immune system see you in a bit."

"....ok, drive safe don't anything I would do, love you."

"love you too."

You hung up and tossed your phone on the other end of the couch. "Was that s/o/n?" Timmy asked you.

"Yeah, they're coming over to watch movies with us," you answered.

"mmhmm. You care about them a lot don't you?"

"yup, but right now you're my priority little birdie."

Tim sighed and snuggled closer to you.

A while later your s/o arrived with tons of popcorn, some medicine for Tim and Disney movies. You and s/o/n went to the kitchen prepared the popcorn while Tim chose the movie. After multiple attempts of not burning the popcorn, you two got it right and Tim managed to not pass out.

The rest of the day was spent watching The Lord of the Rings, half of the Disney movies you owned and having mini popcorn fights.

The next morning Dick found you, s/o/n and Tim curled up next to each other covered in popcorn. It was a nice sight.
2 years later

"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah, Tim?"

"Remeber two years ago when I was 'sick' and I kinda made you miss your date with s/o/n?" Tim asked you as you took a sip of your coffee.

"Yup. What about it?" You replied.

"I faked the cold," Tim said shrinking in his seat.

You looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I know but you could've just asked me to stay home with you."

Tim got out of his chair and walked out of the room before returning and giving you a hug which you returned.

a/n: I know I said a couple stories back that I was going to publish the second part for 'I hate, I love you' but it got deleted, meaning I'm going to have to go back and rewrite whatever I had. Happy reading!

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