Jason Todd x OC

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This a fanfic about Jason Todd being your soulmate. Something neat and happy I was forced to write for my class. Enjoy! Or not. Do whatever you want.

November 16, 2017. Not an important date to others, but an important date to me. Not really. Today was the day I was supposed to meet my soulmate. I'm not really excited about it like others. I mean what's so special about soulmates? As a matter of fact, I actually feel sorry for the guy or gal that gets stuck with me. I'm nothing special! I have depression, anxiety, and I really hate people. I got out of bed and put on my usual black hoodie, ripped skinny jeans, and black converse. I made my way towards the kitchen, not bothering to fix my hair, and opened the fridge. Like always the fridge was empty. I groaned and slammed the fridge door shut. Thinking of my options I decided to go to the cafe I would always hang out after school my high school years. I got my wallet and keys and made my way out of my small apartment. I sprinted down the stairs making my way out of the building.

A date wasn't the only thing that appeared. Another tattoo saying "Been there, done that. I have no problem going back," was on my wrist. What kind of conversation was this person going to have? The streets were crowded today. The sun was high in the bright blue sky. Birds were chirping, butterflies were flying, and no crazy psychos were on the loose. I hope. The walk to the cafe was short but relaxing. As I entered the building I was greeted by an overly excited puppy. Not exactly a puppy. More of an adult who acts like a puppy. They tackled me to ground and gave me a crushing hug.

"Oh my sweet Lord Jesus Christ! We thought you had died!" My friend Richard exclaimed.

"Umm, sorry?" I told him as I pushed him off me.

"It's alright Tatum. It's not your fault or is it," his soulmate Barbara told me as she helped off the floor.

"Uh, my fault I blew my phone up, and then my new phone fell in a lake," I explained. Not my brightest lie but they seem to believe me.

After I bought myself some tea and a muffin we caught up. Apparently, Richard's brother was somehow alive and bent on avenging himself. Which is weird but I would also do the same is a crazy clown killed me. We spent twenty minutes talking when Richard's youngest brother Damian, walked into the cafe with a rather tall, hella cute guy. They were arguing over something incredibly stupid.

"Sooooo, Dick, who's the guy with Dami?" I asked.

"That's Jason. The one that died," Barbara told me since it was noticeable that Dick was too busy glaring at them.

Ohhhh, so that was the brother that was trying to avenge himself. Damn, he was hella cute. He was about 6ft, he had greenish-blue eyes, his hair was raven black but he had a white strip in his bangs, and he was extremely muscular. Hot damn. Put me down as scared and horny. I must've said that out loud cause the both Bab's and Dick started laughing. I tried to hide my face in embarrassment but failed. The boys also heard the laughter so decided to come join us, but they still were arguing.

"Todd, you can go rot in hell," Damian said as he took a seat next to me.

"Been there, done that. I have no problem going back," Jason said as he approached the table.

I instantly stopped doing what I was doing and covered my wrists. There's no way my soulmate is my best friends zombie brother. No way no how. Have I mentioned he is hot?

"Smith are you alright?" Damian asked me. Everyone just turned to look at me. Barbara noticed I was covering my wrist and nudged at Dick, who then realized what was going on. Shit. What to do.

"Um, I heard, that hell, is magnificent this time of year," I blurted.

Dick choked on his drink, Bab's facepalmed, Damian, kicked me and Jason just stared at me.

"Seriously Tatum? Hell is magnificent this time of year? You know what. No. Rome is magnificent this time of year," Dick stated thus starting an argument with Damian.

Bab's laid her head down on the table while Dick and Damian argued, and Jason rolled his right sleeve up and showed me a tattoo that said, "I hear that hell is magnificent the time of year." I then showed him my tattoo. He smirked at me then slid his phone over. I look at at the screen and read Want to get out of here babe? I looked up at him and then at everyone else. They were all too busy bantering about Rome to notice that we were leaving. I slide his back phone at him and said yes. We got out of the cafe unnoticed and walked towards the Gotham City Park.

"So babe, I'm I guess we're soulmates," he smirked.

"Guess so."


After twenty minutes of bickering, the group FINALLY noticed that Jason and Tatum were missing.

"Where's Tatum? And where's Jason?" Damian asked the couple sitting in front of him.

"I told you they were soulmates!" Barbara exclaimed.

"We don't know for sure babe!" Richard dictated.

"You owe me twenty bucks!"

"Do not!"

The couple argued about this for several minutes while Damian was receiving pictures from Tatum and Jason. This couple was going to be trouble he thought.

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