Deal With It

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Request: Batsis wants a Halloween party(gala) and Bruce doesn't and she thinks it's funny to dress as Supergirl

When Bruce left you in charge of planning this year's gala's he didn't actually expect you to take your job seriously. Surprisingly enough, you had started planning every gala several months before the actual the event. But you spent most of your time working on the Halloween Gala. A gala Bruce has yet to approve.

You had everything planned, activities for the little kids, food, EVERYTHING. So if your dad wanted to cancel it would be too late. But you needed his approval. Which would be difficult to get.

So you made a plan. Every day you would ask him to approve the gala to the point he is done with you annoying him he approves it. You also needed to make sure that no villain decided to crash your party. That's where you recruit the Outlaws and Ivy and Harley.

They agreed on making sure no one would interrupt and they also helped in some cases to make sure everyone that needed to be locked up stayed locked up. 

Now all you needed to do was get invitations out and get your siblings some costumes. And annoy your dad some more.

After you told your dad about the Halloween Gala a week ago, he spent most of his day in his office at Wayne Enterprises. Not that that was going to stop you.

You strolled into your dad's office and waited for him to get out of a meeting. The gala was in a couple of days and despite him saying no, you were still going on as planned. You just needed to inform him.

Thirty minutes later, Bruce walked into the office looking tired. The minute he saw you he contemplated jumping out the window.

"No," he said walking towards his desk.

"No? I'm sorry, but we can't cancel," you said spinning around in his chair.

"And why is that?"

"I already sent invitations, got the saloon ready and I have your costume."


You chuckled and got up from the chair. "It'll be in your room the day of the gala. Nice talking to ya!"

Bruce stood in his place confused and scared. He was not looking forward to this gala.


The day of the gala was here and you were ecstatic. Everything was going smoothly. Your brother's and sister were all there, your dad was there too. All you needed to do was make an entrance.

You quickly fixed your hair, adjusted your costume and walked up the stage. "Good evening ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the Wayne's annual Halloween Gala! All donations will be sent to Gotham Hospital to help get new equipment and supply. Please enjoy your stay, have fun, and have a happy Halloween!"

The crowd cheered as you waved and struck a pose for the cameras. Your dad looked at you in disbelief as your family tried to hold back their laughter.

You grinned and made your way towards your family. "So... What do you think?"

You stroke a superhero pose and your siblings burst out laughing.

"Seriously, y/n? Supergirl?" Bruce asked.

"Deal with it."

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