What the Future Holds

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Requested on Tumblr: Could you, please, write one where we see the new generation? Like, Jason or Dick or Tim or Cas any of the batkids are already married and have kids, or are engaged. And Bruce looks at his family proud of how far they've got. Maybe some Gotham rogues have been rehabilitated and the city is safer. And we can see older Damian deciding if he wants the mantle or... idk. I just really want to read about little kids (or babies) and a happy batfamily

a/n: requests are open, but slow. FYI I also write for other peeps besides the Batfam

Bruce sighed contently as he looked over an old photo album. The first photo was a picture of Dick when he first moved into Wayne Manor. He then pointed to a picture next to it and said, "This was when your uncle first started out as Robin."

The little kid sitting on his lap gasped. "Really?!? Do you think he'll let me be Robin!"

"Maybe we should go ask him," Bruce said closing the album.

The kid quickly jumped off and quickly ran out of the study shouting, "Uncle Dick! Can I be Robin!"

"Oh hell no!" Jason shouted as he chased after his son. Bruce chuckled at his son's outburst. When Jason first became a dad he was scared. Scared that he wouldn't be a good father and that his enemies would find out about his family. So he gave up being Red Hood for some time.

Eventually, Red Hood stopped showing up. Jason decided to dedicate his time to his family. He would still help on missions, but his family came first.

Bruce made his way out of his office towards the living room. He stopped outside the doorway as he noticed one of his granddaughters dressed as Batman sitting on top of Harley. "I have finally caught you!" she exclaimed.

"Oh no! Batman please let me go!" Harley said, trying to contain her laughter.

'Batman' put their finger up to their chin and pretended to think. "Only if you teach me how to do a cartwheel," She negotiated.

Harley nodded as the tiny Batman rolled off her back. She jumped up and quickly fixed her clothes. She waved and smiled at Bruce when she noticed him. Bruce returned the smile.

The past few years have been nothing but good to the Wayne family and Gotham. Crime has almost stopped completely. Gotham was beginning to look like a normal city.

It first happened when the Joker died for good. With no more clown running around terrorizing everyone, Bruce had time to focus on other villains. Villains who were able to get the help necessary to get better.

Victor, Jonathan, everyone got the help they needed. And thanks to that, Gotham was becoming a better place.

Sure, with them gone that would mean the batfamily wouldn't be needed, but there's always someone who doesn't want people to live happily.

As things started to get better, the Batfamily grew. Dick, Jason, Tim settled down and have families of their own, and Bruce and Selina finally got married. Not only that, Cass pursued her dream of ballet and Duke is... being Duke.

Although the need for vigilantes in Gotham was small, Batman was still alive out on the streets. When Bruce couldn't be Batman anymore, Dick took up the mantle until Damian was ready. But now that he was ready he didn't know what to do.

When Bruce went to check on Damian, he found his son sitting in front of the batcomputer clutching the cowl.

"What's wrong Damian?" Bruce asked as he approached his son.

Damian sighed as he looked up. "I don't know if taking up the cowl is the right choice, father."

Bruce took the cowl from Damian's hands and set off to the side. "I thought you wanted to be Batman?"

Damian shook his head, "Probably when I was younger but know... I think giving it to Cass would be better."

"It's okay son, we'll talk to Cass about it later. First, let's go see what your nieces and nephews are up to."

"They're probably driving the adults crazy," Damian chuckled. Bruce sighed in content as he followed Damian out of the cave. Life was getting better.

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