Easter And April Fools Shouldn't Mix

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Batfamily x fem! reader

The sound of the wind calmed you down as you wandered around Wayne Manor. You held onto your nerf gun and a bucket filled with eggs and bullets as you checked every room for the people you called family. After checking every room you made your way to the kitchen where you found Stephanie and Cass eating waffles without a single care in the world.

"Why are you guys in here?" you asked the girls as you walked towards them. Cass looked at you and shrugged before turning to Steph.

"It's safe. There's food and water and besides we took the coffee machine as a hostage," Steph said pointing her nerf gun at the black coffee machine that was currently surrounded by traps and knives.

You lowered your nerf gun and rubbed your face with the back of your hand. "Stephanie Brown. What. The. Actual. Heck." you said glaring at her, "You just can't kidnap the coffee machine and not expect an attack!"

Cass nodded in agreement as the young blonde rolled her eyes at you. "Tim isn't that stupid, y/n. And besides, they took Bab's hostage. What is he going to do? Come in here guns blazing?"

You huffed in annoyance before taking a seat next to you Cass. You set down your bucket and leaned your head on the countertop. You saw Cass stiffen in her seat as loud footsteps approached the kitchen door. You looked up to see Steph jump off the countertop she was on and load her gun. You did the same as you got out of your seat. A moment later, a very angry and tired Tim burst into the room shooting his nerf gun in random directions.

"GIVE ME BACK MY COFFEE!" he shouted.

"NOT UNTIL YOU LET BAB'S GO TIMMY!" Steph shouted back. You and Cass hid behind some chairs and aimed your guns at Tim. Just as you two were about to shoot, you felt a gun being pointed at your head.

"Put the guns down girls," you heard Jason say.

"We have you outnumbered," Damian added. You and Cass looked at each other and slowly lowered your guns onto the ground and stood up. You glared at Jason as he gave you his signature smirk. You rolled your eyes and leaned back onto the counter as Tim shoved Steph towards you. Steph laughed nervously before standing next to you.

"Well, it looks like we won boys!" Jason exclaimed. Damian and Tim whooped as they lowered their guns.

"Actually, I recall saying that the winning team is the team that has the least glitter or confetti on them. Didn't I Steph?" You said carefully sliding your arm towards your bucket.

"That's true! y/n did say that!" Steph exclaimed.

"Tt, fine. Drake call Richard and Duke and ask them to bring Gordon," Damian commanded. Tim stopped kissing the coffee machine and ran out of the kitchen to get them. 

A couple minutes later you saw Barbara, Duke, Dick, and Tim entering the kitchen. Dick kindly shoved Babs at Steph and walked next to Jason and Damian. Duke joined them holding a bucket filled with glitter and confetti.

"There's one more thing to do then we win this year girls!" Dick exclaimed.

"Do we have to do this?" Duke asked. Tim looked at him and nodded, "It's a traditional thing we do when Alfred and Bruce aren't home."

The rest of the boys nodded in agreement as you took two eggs out of your bucket and passed it to a confused Steph who then passed one to Barbara. You also passed one to Cass before turning back to the boys.

"So? What are you going to do?" you asked, "You guys haven't won yet."

Jason turned back towards you and gently took a hold of your face and lifted it so you were looking straight at him. "You girls could just give up so we wouldn't have to dump this bucket of confetti on you."

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