Not My Time Pt. 3

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Happy Freaking Valentines Day

Warning: Comic spoilers, language, maybe confusion

"The hell you mean I've been dead long enough?!?!?!?" I exclaimed.

"Yup! Now let's go and save the world!" Death shouted.

Save the world? What the hell is going on??!?! I stood up and followed 'Death' into a different scene. This time, a city was burning. Everywhere I would turn to there was flames and destruction. But what really got my attention was that Cass was with Clayface, and he didn't seem himself.

"What's going on?" I asked Death.

"Sooo this evil version of Timmy showed up and claimed to be from the future, and some new bad guys showed and began to turn your dad's new group of heroes against each other..."

"That still doesn't explain to me what's going on with Cass and Karlo." (A/N: Clayface for anyone who doesn't know his real name.)

"Just keep watching."

Clayface turned to his old self just for a bit then he started to go back to clay. It was noticeable that Cass was upset. I mean they are best friends, but I still don't understand what's going on.

A/N: To understand whats going on with this scene read Detective Comics (2016-) #973.

Batwoman stood on top of a building aiming the gun her father gave her before she left to protect what she could.

"Cassandra I want you to close your eyes."


"Close them NOW."

Batwoman took her shot, shooting Karlo in the head. Cass screamed in horror as she saw her friend get shot. I stood there in shock. Now I understood what's going on and why they needed me. I only hope it's not too late.


"Someone please remind me why we're in Nanda Parbat?" Jason asked pointing his guns at several assassins.

"To prevent my mother from reviving Y/N using the Lazarus pit," Damian replied while kicking an assassin.

"Awww demon spawn has feelings!" Tim exclaimed.

"Shut it, Drake. And besides, she's the only person I tolerate in this family," Damian retorted.

The boys fought their way onto the island. Knocking out ever assassin in their way. Once they managed to enter, they made their way to the room where the Lazarus Pit was located in. Chanting could be heard from down the hall the boys were in. The ritual of revival has begun. All four boys ran down the hall hoping that they weren't too late. 

Talia's guards lowered y/n's body into the bright green pool. As their body was a couple inches away from the green substance Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian burst into the room startling everyone in the room.

"NO!" All four boys yelled as the guards dropped their sibling's lifeless body.

Everyone in the room took up a fighting stance and readied their weapons for an attack.

"How could you!" Damian exclaimed.

"I only what's right my son," Taila explained.

Before any of the boys could say something bubbles began to rise in the pit. At first, it was just a couple and then the bubbles became a swarm. Falling and rising.

"It worked."


"So?" Death asked me.

"Right, what do I need to do?"

"Nothing! Just wait."

"What do you mean just wai... AGH!"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It felt as if my heart was about to explode.

"What... Wha... What's going...on..."

"Oh, what you are feeling is the pain of being revived through a Lazarus Pit," Death calmly explained.

The pain began to spread all over my body. I fell to the ground and screamed. Everything burned. After a minute the pain started to leave. I slowly sat up and looked for Death but she was gone. The pain immediately returned, only this time it felt as if I were being crushed by a heavy object. I let out a blood-curdling scream as I fell back onto the ground. The pain worsened as time passed. I started having trouble breathing. I began to lose focus. I closed my eyes and let the pain consume me.

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