Not My Time Pt. 4

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Everyone who knew y/n held their breath. Seconds later y/n emerged from the pit gasping for air. y/n's eyes were an emerald green when she merged then returned to her normal eye color after a bit.

Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian stared at their sister expecting her to lash out at them, but that didn't happen. Instead, she just stood in the middle of the pit mumbling curses to herself. Talia looked at her son and his brothers then at y/n. She dismissed the guards and assassins and left the boys alone with their sister.

"y/n?" Damian called put. y/n slowly turned to face her brothers and looked at Damian.

"Umm, what's up Dami?" y/n coughed as she staggered to land.

The boys sighed in relief when their sister didn't start attacking them. Then they ran towards her and attacked her with hugs and apologies not caring that they were in the Lazarus Pit.


Talia stood by the door leading into the Lazarus Pit and waited for Bruce to show up. A couple minutes of waiting in silence Bruce showed up looking pissed and disappointed as always. He was halfway through the hall when his beloved children decided to show up. But of course, them being who they were, they were arguing about who would hang out with y/n and make sure she's fine. Y/n was the first one to realize that their father was there. With them.

"Um, well... this is... awkward." y/n said as she avoided her fathers gaze. The boys stopped arguing and looked at their father. 

"Surprise!" Dick exclaimed while pushing y/n to the front.

Bruce stared at his daughter thinking that this wasn't real. He hesitantly made his way towards her. y/n shuffled past her brothers and Talia towards her father. They stopped a couple feet away from another and stared at each other. Before y/n could say anything her father hugged her tightly. As if she was going to disappear any minute.

"I thought I lost you, y/n," he whispered into her shoulder as tears began to run down his face.

"I missed you too dad," y/n said hugging him back.

While Bruce and y/n hugged, Jason, Tim, and Damian thanked Talia for bringing their sister back from the dead, but they also did threaten her. According to them, no one messes with their sisters. NO ONE. Dick, on the other hand, was wiping fake tears off his face and smiling like crazy. It wasn't every day that the Batman cried and hugged someone. After y/n and Bruce stopped hugging Dick grabbed his brothers and ran towards the pair yelling, "GROUP HUG!"

"Okay, I love you guys and all... but... I'm having... trouble breathing," y/n said.

"Oops sorry," Dick apologized.

"TT. Grayson, sister, father, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if we could all go back home now," Damian said. 

Everyone excluding Talia agreed. It's been a very long and exhausting day and all they wanted to do was eat food, and sleep.


I pulled back from the group and looked at Talia. She wouldn't revive me from the goodness of her heart. Even if she did have one, why revive me? I made my way towards Talia and asked, "Why revive me?"

"I don't like seeing my son suffer," She replied. That seems like a good reason.

"Okay. Thanks for not letting Damian suffer, I guess."

"Your welcome, y/n."

I walked back towards my family and looked over my shoulder just to see no one. Assassins, I swear. 

"Sooooo, can we go home?" I asked.

"Let's go."


The trip back home was longer than I expected. And it wasn't peaceful. The boys wouldn't stop arguing. They would argue over the smallest things. It's ridiculous. But once we made it back to the cave their arguing got worse.

"Todd, Drake, Grayson, I'm staying with y/n!"

"Sure you are demon spawn!"

They spent several minutes like that arguing, and since they weren't exactly quiet they caught a lot of attention.

"What the hell is going on in here!?!?" Stephanie shouted. 

I let out a shriek and put my hand on my heart as the boys stopped arguing.

"Stephanie," I began, "What we say about yelling or shouting in the cave?"

Steph just stared at me like she'd seen a ghost, and to be honest, it's pretty funny seeing her like that. Kate, Cass, Bab's, Duke, and Alfred ran to our location. To say they were surprised would be an understatement. I mean some of us have a reputation of not staying dead. Or alive. Which is a major problem.

"Uh, yeah, hi, I'm back," I announced while awkwardly shifting in my place. They stayed silent for another three minutes before Cass and Steph ran towards me and hugged me tightly. Steph let go of me and pulled back just to smack me in the back of my head.

"Where the hell were you?!?!" She exclaimed as her eyes began to water.

"Let's not worry about that come here," I said while pulling her in for a hug. 

Cass and Steph let me go and pulled me towards the rest of group. After lots of hugs, tears, explanations, and introductions (a/n: You guys haven't met Duke until now.) we all went back upstairs to the living room to catch up on everything that has been going on and to watch Disney movies. 


After everything that happened. You did manage to stop Kate from killing Karlo and you also managed to get Tim out of his coffee addiction and convince him to go to college.

With the Outlaw's help, you guys managed to take down the human trafficking ring and return everyone to their homes safely. Jason also got revenge for you, but you don't know. And he doesn't plan on telling you anytime soon.


"Now what?" Bruce asked you.

You sighed and looked at your brothers playing fetch with Titus and Ace in the backyard.

"Honestly, I don't know. I want to help Duke with his Signal duties but I also kinda want to give up the mask and live a normal life, but it sounds boring. And I don't do boring dad."

Bruce chuckled and ruffled your hair a little, "Well, whatever choice you make if you need something, I'm here."

"I know."

Whatever happens next is up to you.

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