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Requested on Tumblr: Could you do a Dick grayson x reader who is HELLA insecure but uses comedy as a coping method. Like the person has never dated before and genuinely doesn't see themselves as attractive and stuff...


The idea of dating someone has crossed your mind a couple of times. But never enough for you to actually start dating someone. You just didn't see yourself in a romantic relationship with anyone. Never have.

So when Dick asked you out, you thought he was joking.

Turns out he was not, and now it's your first Valentines Day together. Yay!

Dating Dick was nice, but every so often self-deprecating thoughts made their way onto your mind uninvited. Dick was your first boyfriend, your first REAL relationship. You loved him, yeah, but... you're just you and Dick is Richard motherfucking Grayson, the adopted son of Bruce Wayne.

At first, you thought this was a dream, that you would wake up back in your apartment alone. But no, here you are curled up against him as you watched some Disney movie.

You've asked him multiple times, why he was dating you. Hell, the paparazzi were asking him the same. Why date you when he could be dating someone better.

According to him, you were perfect.

He knew you were insecure about yourself and that your way of coping is to joke about it. So whenever you randomly said a joke and he knew it was because of another person, he had an entire date night planned. And he got his brothers in it.

Jason would help him write letters, Damian would help with food, Duke would give advice, and Tim would help look for gifts or cute romantic movies. Bruce would provide the money (unknowingly).

But tonight he decided to go with something simple.

Dick wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him. He kissed the top of your head as you hummed in content.

He might not be able to stop you from feeling insecure but he can sure as hell make you happy.

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