Uno and Soulmates

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Requested by friend: You should do a soulmate AU with Tim were they can hear each other's thoughts, but all Tim hears are songs going through his head. Tim's soulmate turns out to be Jason's friend


When Tim was first introduced to the fact that he had a soulmate somewhere in the world that could listen to his thoughts he was a bit scared and confused. 

Confused about how that was possible and scared because having someone else know your thoughts is just weird. For all he knows his soulmate could be a supervillain. But as the years passed he ruled that possibility out.

Tim had tried finding his soulmate using that weird connection but all they ever did was sing. Nothing else, just sing. Music all day long!

There were times where Tim would catch himself singing along. It wasn't a problem until he started bobbing his head during patrol. THEN people started asking questions.

Surprisingly it was Jason who would ask the majority of the questions.

When your parents first explained the soulmate thing to you, you didn't pay that much attention. You just let your friends and the internet explain it to you. Since then you decided to be careful of what you thought. Mostly because you were friends with some vigilantes. Don't need your soulmate to freak out.

The first vigilante you met was Jason when he first started out as Red Hood in Gotham. The second and third were Roy and Kori, they kinda broke into your apartment looking for Jason. Since then the four of you were the best of friends.

When you first started hearing your soulmates thoughts, the first person you told was Jason. He was equally as confused as you as to why your soulmate was concerned about Nightwings' fashion sense until he remembered a certain someone.

Ever since Jason figured out who your soulmate was, he tried his best to hook you two up, but something always came up. Except for this time he had a semi-perfect plan.

Family game night.

You may not be a Wayne, but you are part of the batfamily by just hanging out with Jason. And it's not like you could decline, he practically dragged you out of your home.

You had already met some of Jay's family, like Alfred, Cass, Damian, Steph, Dick, Babs, Kate, and Duke. You hadn't met Tim. When Jay introduced you to him, you felt a connection of sorts. 

It wasn't until later when you were quietly humming your favorite song and heard Tim mumbling along did you understand what was going on. Needless to say, the both of you were shocked, but then Tim found how to make the soulmate connection useful.

"So I guess we're soulmates," Tim said using the soulmate link.


"Not to sound rude but can you tell me what card Jason has?"

You glanced at Jason's card before responding. "One red."

"Awesome! Let's draw two this bitch."

The corner of your mouth quirked up when you noticed the evil gleam in Tim's eyes as he slapped the card onto the table. "Ha! Take that!"

Terror overtook Jason's face when he realized what had happened. You covered your mouth to stifle your laughter but failed when he started shouting at Tim. "What!?!? You cheated! Cheater!"

"You can't prove anything!" Tim laughed as he jumped up and ran out of the room with Jason chasing him. Everyone collectively groaned as a series of crashes bounced through the halls.

"I'm okay!"

Yeah, the bond was useful.

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