Love Advice

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Hello, can you please do an imagine where Tim ask Jason for help because he likes a girl but is inexperienced and Jason ends up giving him false information to embarrass him? a fluff an happy ending, please! 

If there was one thing Timothy Jackson Drake couldn't do in his life it would be admitting his feelings for you. I mean he didn't have to. You knew, the press knew, all of Gotham knew. For Christ sakes, even the bad guys knew about his feelings for you. Who told them? Who cares! All that matters is that every goddamn baddie in Gotham have been placing bets on whether or not he would ask you out. And that's how he got himself in this situation.

Red Hood was arresting one of Black Masks men when one of them mentioned little ol' Timmy. Before handing the guy over to the cops he asked them what business they had with Tim. And because they didn't want to die, they told him about how he had a crush on y/n l/n. Jason was surprised. He knew who you were just because he would run into you at the library every day. You guys were thinking of making a book club. But he had no clue that Timmy had a wittle crush on you. He thanked the guy for providing him with vital information. Now all he had to do was confront Tim.

Back at the cave, Tim was a blushing mess. He had just gotten off the phone with you. He adored your laugh, your smile, he adored the way your eyes would lit up every time you talked about something you were passionate about, he loved the way you made him feel about you. He wanted to tell you how you felt, but he didn't know how. And that scared him. He didn't want to lose you. Now all he had to do was figure out a way to tell you that he likes you. Except how? He was debating on whether to ask Dick for help or not. He was sure that the batclan had no clue about the crush, except Alfred, Alfred knows everything. If he did ask Dick for help he would just get a lot of teasing and lots of cheesy pickup lines. So he decided to ask Jason instead. 

The next morning, Jason decided to confront Tim about his crush towards you, that was also the same morning Tim was going to ask Jason for advice. Coincidence? I think not! No, actually it is. Jason found Tim in the kitchen preparing his daily morning coffee like always. Except for this time, Tim was adding multiple teaspoons of sugar in his coffee. Like way too much sugar. 

"Uh, Tim?" Jason said concerned for his brother's behavior. Tim stopped mid scoop and looked over his shoulder. When he saw it was Jason he dumped the rest of the sugar into his cup and took a sip.

"Can I help you, Jason?"

"Are you okay?"

Was he okay? No, he wasn't. "Jason, how do I ask a girl out?"


Tim put his over sweetened coffee down and turned to face Jason. He looked up at him and repeated his question. "Jason, how do I, ask a girl out?" 

Jason genuinely likes you like a sister and seeing 'coffee addict', Tim dating you would be hilarious. But why not embarrass him first.

"Alright, Timbo, girls LOVE it when boys are extremely corny."

"So corny pickup lines?"

"Yeah, but not stupid corny, more like smart corny lines."

Tim has never been more confused in his life. There's more than one type of corny pickup lines? He had a feeling that Jason was bullshiting him but right now he needed all the advice he could get.

"Jason, y/n doesn't like corniness," Tim said.

"Well then. What does y/n like?"

"y/n loves books, cute animals, drawing, sunrise, sunset, the night, music..."

"Okay okay, I get it lover boy." Jason said stopping Tim from adding more to his list, "I don't know how to help you. Go ask Dickie."

If Tim is really far too gone, then Jason was going to have to approach this differently. Advice wasn't going to work if Tim literally knows everything about you. Time for Plan b.

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