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Requested on Tumblr: hiii lovely sz can u do a "14. A: No problems!, B:*walks in*, A. One problem" with Jason Todd pls

Key: f/s - favorite show

a/n: Changed it a bit. ALSO, mentions of sex at the end!

You loved your boyfriend. You truly did. But sometimes he could be a major pain in the ass. That's why you would always steal his leather jackets. And because they were comfortable. But recently he had been acting worse than usual. You assumed that it was because Bruce was pushing him to stop using guns and that was part of the reason. But it was also because he was having problems with the Outlaws, and you could do nothing to help him.

Right now you were at Wayne Manor helping Dick out with a case. You weren't a vigilante, a detective, or a hero, but you provided them a different point of view and that helped them a lot. And this case needed a different point of view before someone burns it or throws it into a supernova.

"There have been multiple kidnappings and murders in the same area and we think that they are connected," Dick explained to you.

"So the kidnappers are murdering their victims for no reason?" you asked him, looking through the case file.

"Yeah, some of the bodies we found were from previous victims of kidnapping," he replied giving you a file with the pictures of the bodies. Some of the pictures were from the exact moment the bodies were found by the GCPD and Batman and others were from when they were taken to the morgue. Several of the bodies were heavily mutilated while others were basically left untouched.

"Could the kidnappers be looking for something? I mean I found multiple connections with all the victims and the kidnappers might be looking for something someone stole, and they just don't know who stole it," you said closing the file and handing it back to Dick.

"You... Are you sure you're not a detective?"

"I consider myself a consulting detective."

"Okay Sherlock, let's put this away and chill for a bit."

You agreed with Dick and helped him put the case files back in their place in Bruce's study and ran to the couch where you left one of the many jackets you stole from Jason. You put on the jacket and got the tv control and began to look for a random tv show, but knowing yourself you were just going to rewatch f/s. 

By the time Dick caught up with you, you were already halfway through an episode.

"What took you so long, Duckie?"

"Uh, oh, Jason was in the cave looking for you."

You paused the episode and looked up at him. "Why exactly?"

"I dunno know. All he said was that he wanted to talk to you. Is there a problem with your guys relationship?"

"Whatt???? Pfftttt, no! We're fine! No problems at all!"

A second later, Jason entered the living room, panic, and anger written all over his face. "y/n!"

"Okay, maybe one problem. Bye!" you shouted jumping off the couch and running out of the living room with Jason chasing you. 


Back at your shared apartment, Jason had you pinned against a wall. "Babe."

"Yeah, Jay?"

"How many times have I told you to not steal my jackets?"

"Um, I lost count after the first five times, and besides, I look cute."

Jason chuckled as he leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, looking you straight in the eyes. "You do look adorable in my jackets."

You could see a mischievous gleam in his beautiful bright ocean blue eyes as you leaned in to kiss him. "You know... the jacket would look better on the floor by the bed," you said against his lips. 

"Babe you read my mind." 

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