Back To You

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Request: Damian x reader based off of Back To You by Selina Gomez

a/n: Requests are open!!!!! REquest stufff if you want to readddd stuff!!!!

Love was a touchy subject for you. When you were a young naive teenager you didn't believe in love at first sight. You actually thought that love was a pointless human creation. Why would you want to fall in love? Just why? 

Then you meet Damian Wayne. Your opinion didn't change you just developed a crush on him. After getting to know him better you did start to fall in love. And you did change your mind about love. Little did you know he shared those same feelings for you. He would've asked you to be his but he knew about your opinion about love. But he didn't let that get in the way between you two.

As days, weeks, and months passed, the both of you started acting more like a couple than a pair of friends. It was silently affecting your social life. People actually thought you two were dating. Even the Batfamily.

But now, you and Damian are in your mid-twenties. He has his life figured out while you still had no clue what to do with it. He's getting married and you're in your living room with several bottles of wine by your side.

You glanced at the wedding invitation in your hand and put it down. Even after the both of you cut off your friendship he had invited you. Guess there's still something left.

You got up and dragged yourself to the bathroom. Once there you studied your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. The bags under your eyes were getting darker as the days passed.

As quickly as you could, you washed your face and returned to living to pick up the invitation. You opened it and looked at the date and time. The wedding was taking place later that evening. No point in going now. And assuming that the entire Batfam was going to be there, then that would mean Gotham would be vulnerable. Lucky for them you were available and in need to punch something.


Damian was nervous. Today was the day. The day be would marry his beloved. His entire family, friends, and people he didn't even know were going to be there. His wedding was apparently a big deal being the son of Bruce Wayne.

  But something didn't seem quite right in his heart and mind. Part of him was regretting sending that invite to you, the other part was hoping you would show. He was just as confused as he was nervous. His feelings for you were still alive and that saddened him. He had lost you and now he was never going to get back to you. Not that you two were dating before he met Kylie.

You had run out of the Manor in anger after an argument with Damian. Bruce had sent you and Damian out to investigate some weird activity involving fires. Which you later found out to be Firefly. 

When you found Firefly you two didn't have a plan to apprehend him. You couldn't call for backup cause everyone was busy fighting their own villains and Damian didn't like calling for backup anyway. So it was just Damian and you against a bug with a flamethrower. What could go wrong?

Everything. Absolutely everything went wrong. Somehow Firefly got a weapons upgrade that Batman didn't know about and now his flamethrower is more... powerful.

You and Damian managed to take down Firefly but not before you were injured. You tried hiding the fact that you were injured on the way to the cave. But Damian I-was-raised-by-assassins Wayne noticed.

Once you arrived at the cave, he dragged you to the med bay and berated you for being reckless. Which caused a shouting match.

"Me reckless? Damian, you threw yourself in the line of fire!" you shouted.

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