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Pairing: Damian x batsis! Reader

Warning: Language

Key: f/c - favorite color, italics mean your thoughts. f/t - Favorite Tea

a/n: There will be more parts to this. I just really need to start the two requests I haven't started yet. 

Being Batman's and Catwoman's daughter had its perks. For example, you were hella cute, extremely skilled in fighting and trickery, and people just loved you for no reason. Except for Damian. Oh no no no no no. He hated you. No, he despised you. And honestly, you couldn't care less. Growing up with Batman as your father had that effect on you. You grew up not giving two shits about anything. Honestly, your mom and brothers find it hilarious.

So how exactly did you meet Damian? Well, you were spending the weekend with your mom and she decided to take you on a mission in Metropolis. It was quite amusing for you because you had to explain to your uncle supes what you were doing with Catwoman. After the mission, your mom dropped you off at the Batcave. You were quite surprised to see a mini Bruce managing to kick your older brothers ass.

You walked up to the training area and dropped your f/c duffel bag next to the railing. Apparently, this action had distracted Dick long enough for mini Bruce to knock him down.

"Tt, you are going to have to be better than that Grayson," The new kid said.

"Actually, that was my fault, sorry Dick," you apologized as you made your way to help Dick get up.

"Hey y/n, and it's alright," Dick said as you pulled him up. You turned to face shorty and studied him. He was about 4' 6", he had jet black hair and green eyes. If he had blue eyes instead of green he would actually be an actual mini Bruce.

Mini Bruce studied you for a bit before saying, "So you must be my blood sister."

You took a step back and looked at Dick then at the kid in front of you and exclaimed, "What do you mean blood sister. When did MY dad find the time to do the deed with someone, when he barely has time to do normal things!??!?! Better question, who the frick are you?!?!"

Dick laughed a bit and avoided your stare, "Well, um..."

"Well, um what Richard?" You said, "What are you guys keeping from me? You know what. Don't tell me. I'll find out myself." You picked up your duffel bag and stomped away from the boys. Once you were out of the cave and back in the Manor you sprinted to your room almost crashing into Jason.

"Hey y/n! Why the rush?" He called out.

Looking over your shoulder you yelled, "I got homework!"

Jason looked at you as you ran into your room and slammed the door shut, then he looked towards the staircase just to see Dick running up yelling your name. "Y/N! WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN! Oh hey, Jay."

"What did you do Dickie?" Jason asked him.

"She met Damian." Dick said as Jason made an 'oh' face. Jason moved out of the way as Dick ran towards his little sister's room. He rolled his eyes and went downstairs to alert Bruce of what happened.

Before Dick could reach for your bedrooms doorknob you opened the door and sighed. You looked at your brother and smiled at him. "Whatcha want Dickie?" You asked.

He looked at you confused. He thought that you would be confused and mad, but no. You were smiling and you had an evil gleam in your eyes. To be honest he was a bit terrified.

"I wanted to explain to you who he was...." He explained.

"Oh. That's okay, dad can explain it to me," You said as you walked past him. You skipped down the hall and slid down the stairs railing and began to look for your dad. Dick looked at you as you left, confused. He expected you to react differently.

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