Not My Time Pt. 2

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The Batboys pondered in the living room of Wayne Manor in silence. They still couldn't wrap their minds around the idea that their beloved sister had died. Dick was flipping through a photo album gazing at the pictures, Jason was leaning against the door frame looking at the ground regretting every little bad thing he has said about his sister, Tim was working on a case to keep his mind off everything, and Damian was glaring out the window cursing the people that killed the only tolerable person (other than Cass and Duke) in the family. No one was okay.

"Do you... Do you think she's ok?" Damian said out of nowhere.

Jason looked up and sighed, "I think so kid. I think so."

Damian's glare softened and walked towards Richard. He took a seat next to him and glanced at a picture of the Flash and Green Arrow covered in a sticky pink substance while two kids were in the background laughing.

"This picture happened a couple days after the Justice League found out that Batman had two sidekicks. They said something along the lines that we couldn't be any trouble so that happened," Dick whispered as he flipped the page.

Dick pointed at a picture showing him, y/n, and Babs wearing teen sized Justice League costumes, while the actual Justice League were wearing an adult sized version of their sidekick's suits. Dick was Superman, y/n was Black Canary, and Babs was Wonder Woman.

"We made a bet with the Justice League and they lost so we made them our sidekicks for a day."

"What was the bet?" Damian asked.

"The bet was who can get the Batman to smile or laugh."

"Didn't you guys replace almost every weapon with toys?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, and didn't you guys dye half the suits pink?" Tim added.

All the boys gathered on the couch next to each other and looked at the pictures and retold memories.

Alfred was walking past the living room when he heard laughter from the boys as Dick told them about a time they were playing hide and seek and everyone forgot to look for y/n.

"We found her two hours later asleep in a kitchen cabinet!" Dick exclaimed.

Alfred smiled to himself and went to check on Bruce. It was nice to see the boys smiling. Once he made it Bruce's study he played the secret notes on the piano and opened one of the secret entrances. He made his way to the batcomputer and stopped. Bruce was a mess, coffee cups all over the place, he was still in his suit, and his hair was a mess.

"Master Bruce, what would Miss Y/N say if she were here this moment?" Alfred asked.

"Alfred she..."

"Your daughter would tell you it's not worth it. They would tell you that revenge isn't the answer," Someone interrupted.

Bruce stood up from his chair and turned around. In front of him was his youngest son's mother, Talia al Ghul.

"What do you want Talia?"

"Beloved, I came with an offer."

"What is it?"

"I'll give you back your daughter, only if you give me back my son."

Bruce pondered on the thought. He thought that every Lazarus pit in the world had been destroyed. If he accepted the offer he would lose his son, and he can't let that happen again. But if he agrees, he would have his daughter back; but she wouldn't come back the same.

"Father don't!" Damian shouted.

Bruce snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at his son. When Talia arrived, Alfred hurried upstairs to alert the boys of Talia's arrival.

"Bruce, don't. Look, we also want her back, but, we can't do this to her," Jason said.

Bruce looked at his sons then back at Talia.

"I'm sorry Talia, but Jason is right."

"Very well beloved. Damian. Jason."


It felt like I've been walking for weeks and I probably have. Approximately every two-four miles the scenery would change. At first, I was in the streets of a city, and now I'm in a park. Not that I don't mind parks. I stopped at a park bench and sat down. A playground with children appeared out of nowhere right in front of me. People started showing up with their pets or significant others. I sighed and looked at the ground. These scenes are always the worst. They always reminded me of what I had. After a while, I felt a presence next to me. I looked over and saw a girl about 15 years old, with dark brown curly hair looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"No, not really. But you can help yourself," she said.

"Okay, and who are you?"

"Oops sorry, I guess you don't recognize me. I'm Death."

"I'm sorry what?"

The girl who claimed to be Death started laughing while I just stared at her.

"What's so funny?!" I exclaimed.

"You should've seen your face!" She giggled.

I just kept on staring at her till she stopped laughing. After she stopped laughing she sat up, turned towards me and said, "Well, Y/N, It's time to go! You've been dead long enough!"


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