Artistic S/O

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Requested on Tumblr: Hi! Could I request an imagine of the batboys figuring out that their s/o is artistic? Thanks! : D

a/n: Alright folks, since there's more than one type of art form each s/o is going to be a little bit different! Requests are still open btw...

Dick Grayson:

You were into photography. All types of photography. Candid, still life, abstract, landscape, portrait, etc. The majority of the time you would take pictures of landscapes. Especially at night when you could see the city lights, stars, and moon. And that's how Dick found about your hobby.

One random night you decided to go take a picture of the night sky because it looked nice and because the moon looked different than the rest of the nights. You had gone to the roof of your apartment building when Robin decided to check on what you were doing. You explained to him what you were doing and told him to not worry, but since he didn't want to see Dick hurt he decided to stay with you to make sure you stayed out of trouble. 

After taking multiple landscape pictures you had asked Robin if it was okay to take some pictures of him. At first, he refused but after a while, he gave in. Right after you took the fifth picture of Robin doing a somersault in the air your photography session was interrupted by a mad and worried Nightwing. Cue a little yelling match from Robin and Nightwing. You would stop them but nah, pictures were life! 

When they realized you had taken pictures of them while they weren't paying attention they stopped yelling at each other. Then a second photo session began! 

Jason Todd:

You had a knack for art. Ever since you were a kid you would draw every day. Every. Single. Day. Nonstop. When you turned 13 a family member who made terrible life choices introduced you to spray paint. And you fell in love with it. You also fell in love with the adrenaline rush you would get everytime you had to run away from cops or angry people. It was amazing. You were the Queen/King of Graffiti writing. Eventually, all good things must come to an end. On one of your painting rounds, you were caught by Batman. This was when you were seventeen, so you were pissed. But he let you go because he noticed that you were painting over gang paintings, he also let you go with a warning.

Skip to three years later you had stopped 'vandalizing' but you still practiced drawing your designs in a sketchbook. You never showed anyone, not even Jason. Even though he was your boyfriend, your notebook was filled with evidence and you could get arrested. You know with Bruce being all Justicey! But today you had left your book and markers out on your shared bed, out in the open, visible. Yeah, that was stupid.

You were at the hospital because your idiotic family member got shot, and you had to go and fix things with the cops. You stayed there all night. Jason, on the other hand, had seen your book and was going through it. Studying every image and detail. When you returned home the next morning you found him with your sketchbook in hand, waiting for you.

You thought that he was going to be mad but instead he was happy and proud. He loved your art. Especially since you were one of the best and well-known graffiti artists in Gotham. He thanked you for making the city a bit colorful. You told him of all your adventures and stories. After telling him, Jason took you to the paint store to buy spray paint so the both of you could create art. Needless to say, Bruce was pissed, but he didn't do anything because he enjoyed seeing his son happy. 

Tim Drake:

Digital art is your life. Drawing on your tablet, phone or laptop helped you calm down during stressful moments. Which happen almost every hour of the day. Tim knew that you enjoyed digital art so every time he saw you drawing he would leave you alone, but what the detective didn't know was that you had a blog dedicated to your art.

You were going to tell him, but you being the very impressive procrastinator, you put it off. The only reason Tim found out about your blog was that he saw Steph and Cass on the batcomputer scrolling through your art. He later joined them through the sightseeing. 

It's also worth mentioning that you had drawn the batfamily on multiple occasions and that most of those drawings were commissioned by some of them. Even Damian. Basically, everyone else knew about your blog but Tim, surprisingly. 

Also, just because he can, he commissioned a Red Robin drawing. When you found out it was him you decided to draw Red Robin in a tutu and tiara. Why? Because you can. When Jason saw the drawing he had a field day. 

Damian Wayne:

You enjoyed drawing and sketching. You would draw everytime you could. You had approximately used over 6 sketchbooks. That's a lot. And most of them contained superhero drawings. Most were of Robin, because why not? Damian knew you loved to draw but he didn't know about the Robin drawings. And you were trying to keep it that way.

Damian respected your privacy, always. But every time you would hide your sketchbook from him made him a tad bit curious. He wanted to know what you were hiding from him. He was determined to find out. So one day when you went out to take Titus and Ace for a walk to the park, he 'borrowed' your newest sketchbook in hopes of seeing what you were hiding. But you dragged him with you.

 The both of you spent about half an hour walk the dogs around before you decided to sit down. The minute you put your things down, Titus and Ace decided to have a race, and since you didn't let go of their leases they pulled you with them. You yelped in surprise as they dragged you halfway through the park almost making you crash in several trees. When they finally stopped you realized they dragged back to Damian.

You were about to yell at Damian for not helping you but you noticed he had your sketchbook in hand, and open. You snatched your book from him and slammed it shut when you noticed which page he was on. You stared at him in fear as he only raised his eyebrow and stood up from the bench and took the leashes from you.

"Good job, Habiti," he said giving you a quick peck on the lips. From then on all you had to do was ask him to pose for you.

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