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a/n: Feedback welcomed!

Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, language, angst

Wayne Manor was quiet these days. Bruce was never home, Damian was either with the Teen Titans or with Jon avoiding Bruce and Slade, Tim and Steph were in college, Jason was god knows where, Cass was with Harper and Babs, Duke was getting trained by Black Lighting, and Dick was busy in Bludhaven. There were times when you and Alfred would appreciate the silence, but now the both of you missed the noise. Cass's ballet music, Jason yelling at Ace to let go of his jacket, Damian and Tim playfully insulting each other, Dick giving brotherly advice to Duke, Bruce bitching about life.

You stared out the window into the garden. The roses were blooming nicely and in time for the season. Roses of different colors could be seen, blue, red, pink, yellow, and white. As a kid, you would always retreat into the garden if you were having a bad day. The beauty of the roses always cheered you up, but now they didn't. The roses couldn't fix your broken family. 

  You looked down at your shoes when you felt both Titus and Ace pawing at you gently. They missed the boys too. You walked to the couch and sat down, letting the dogs curl up against you. You took your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it. Your screen saver was a picture Alfred had taken when the entire family was together celebrating your 21st birthday. Jason bought you a bottle of Spirytus Rektyfikowany, how the hell did a nineteen-year-old get it? Who knows. It's been several years but you still have the entire bottle.   

You sighed as you opened the gallery app. All the pictures that you had taken of your siblings were there. You scrolled through years of pictures, recalling the details prior to the pictures being taken. Your favorite pics were the ones that Alfred had taken when you guys weren't looking. 

Tears began to form as you looked through more pictures. Why couldn't you guys be happy like before? Before the drama and problems happened? Why? Did the universe have a grudge against the Wayne family? 

You turned your phone off and tossed it across the couch making it bounce and land on the floor. You wiped the tears off your face and sighed. No matter what you tried to do nothing would help get your family in good terms. The only good that has happened is Steph and Tim taking a break from everything and going to college and that Cass is being a lot more open. Other than that everyone was a mess. Your dad was an emotional wreck since the postponed wedding, Jason was angry at Bruce and at Cobblepot, and Damian was confused as to who his biological father is.

The only thing you could do is hold on to the bits and pieces of happiness that was left behind by the pain and suffering. 

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