Pumpkin War

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Requested: Batfam carves pumpkins together then they start throwing them at each other and Bruce walks in

You sighed contently as you helped Alfred take some pumpkins to the kitchen. Earlier today, you and Alfred had headed out to pick some pumpkins. Some for decorations, some for some of Alfred's famous pumpkin pies. The fresher the pumpkin, the better the pie.

You set the last pumpkin down on the counter and split them into two groups. One for cooking obviously, and the other for carving. As you were separating them, Damian walked into the kitchen and looked at what you were doing before joining you.

"y/n what is the point of this?" He asked.

"We are going to carve them," you answered, moving the pumpkins to a separate area. "And you are going to participate."

"tt, I will do no such thing."

"Think of it as a way to improve your cutting abilities," you said gathering the rest of the materials.

"Fine," he said. You grinned and quickly hugged him.

"Thank you brother dearest! Now, if you don't mind, will you go and locate the rest of the clan?" you asked him. Damian rolled his eyes but nodded. As Damian left you began to plan a way to convince everyone to join if they said no to Damian.

Twenty minutes later, Damian walked into the dining room dragging Tim by the shirt with Jason, Dick, Cass, Steph, and Duke following behind them.

"Uh, why are you dragging Tim, Damian?" you asked your little brother.

Damian looked at you, then at Tim before letting him go. "He refused to show."

"Ah okay," you said walking to the table. "Do you guys know why I have gathered you here today?"

"I'm just going to assume and say it has something to do with the pumpkins?" Duke asked.

You nodded and tossed Damian a carving tool for no reason. "Whoever carves the scariest pumpkin get's the keys to the Batmobile."

They all stared at you before breaking into a fit of laughter. You stood in your place and waited for them to finish. You were not amused.

Once they finished laughing, you pulled the Batmobile keys out of your pocket and tossed them onto the table and said, "Dad isn't home and according to some rumors he isn't going to be home until tomorrow."

Everyone looked at the keys then at you. They didn't actually believe that you somehow managed to get ahold of the Batmobile keys while Bruce was out on a League mission. You had proved them wrong, yet again.


When you heard a chorus of 'sure's and 'yes's, you chuckled to yourself and led your family to their spots.

"Any rules, y/n?" Dick asked you.

"Yes, it has to be spooky and at least pg-13," you answered. "Nothing inappropriate or there will be consequences."

Everyone agreed to your rules and started carving. At first, it was nice and quiet. Then someone started trash talking and everything started to escalate.

"My pumpkin looks better!" Steph shouted. You ducked as Damian threw something at Steph.

"TT, it's as plain like you!"

"DAMIAN," Dick shouted.

"Little birdie has hit puberty," Jason said before he got hit in the face with pumpkin brains. Jason scooped some off the table and tossed it at Damian causing a war to start.

Everyone started throwing pumpkin brains everywhere and someone threw a pumpkin, but Cass caught it. Alfred would've stopped the fight but knowing the batfamily, they weren't going to stop. 

After you got hit you decided to join the fight. Not even five minutes later, everyone and everything was covered with pumpkin. There was pumpkin everywhere, and it was still flying around.

At first, you thought that things couldn't get any worse. Then your dad walked into the kitchen. The man that was supposed to be gone for another two days. The owner of the vehicle you were going to take on a joyride later. 

To make matters worse, your dad got hit, and you were the one who threw it. 

The room fell silent as your dad wiped pumpkin gut off his face. Bruce sighed and looked at the messy group of children in front of him.

"What do you guys think you're doing?"

Everyone began to talk at the same time not making any sense. Bruce sighed and grabbed a handful of pumpkin gut. He looked at you guys then threw it, getting everyone's attention.

"If you are done here, clean everything up," Bruce said wiping his suit. "Also you are all suspended from patrol till further notice."

You all groaned in annoyance as Bruce walked out of the kitchen. A minute later Alfred walked in holding all the cleaning supplies needed.

"Please make sure everything is spotless," Alfred said passing out the supplies.

You took the supplies and began to clean up. Like always, everything was calm and quiet, with the occasional complaint. Then someone started trash talking.

"I bet I can clean the kitchen faster," Jason said.

"Oh, it's on."

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