Missing You

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Requested on Tumblr: Summary; you are/were Damian's girlfriend and you have powers. You can fly and you also have the canary cry. You are not affiliated with Superman, Wonder Woman, or Black Canary. There's also some time traveling. 

Warning: Death, angst???, language

a/n: I am sorry if this is terrible/bad/not good enough but finals have been dulling down my imagination, and my animation final was also taking up the majority of my time, but it's done!

y/n l/n. The A+ student of Gotham Academy. s/h/n. The girl that could fly. Juggling your superhero life and your normal life was a tad bit complicated. Why? Well, you were Damian Wayne's girlfriend and the press LOVED to be all up in your face. Asking questions about your private life and what not. Damian hated it, but you were okay with it as long as they didn't ask anything that would set him off. Which was almost impossible. But you know, you can fly away from your problems.

But, today it was Damian who set you off. He had invited you to a gala his father was hosting and it was marvelous. Chandeliers were glistening, the room was adorned with flowers from the garden, everything was just amazing. You and Damian were dancing to the music and enjoying the moment. When the song ended, Damian was pulled away by his brothers, and you were pulled away for a moment by Diana Prince and Dinah Lance. They knew about your powers and they wanted to help you train more. Basically, they wanted you to be their sidekick. But you were content being in Gotham with the Bat and his Batlings.

You declined their offer and began to look for your beloved boyfriend. Five minutes later you found him all right. You found him with your 'friends' all up in his face with their hands wandering around his body, and he didn't do anything about it. He seemed to... enjoy it. Then out of nowhere, your so-called best friend kissed him. You took a step towards them but decided against it. You ran out of the building as tears began to build up in your eyes. Things that you have never thought before began to cross your mind now. Has he been cheating on you all this time? Was he with you just because you were useful on the battlefield? Was he just using you? 

You heard Damian shouting your name as you ran further away from the gala. A moment later he caught up with you. He grabbed your elbow and pulled you towards him. "y/n, stop."

"Why Damian? Why should I stop?" you asked while struggling to get out of his grasp.


"Don't you beloved me!" you shouted. "Why would you cheat on me?!?"

"Y/n I... I wasn't cheating..."

"Oh so if I go kiss Jon while dating you it wouldn't be considered cheating?!?! You kissed my best friend!"

"Fine, you want to know why. It wasn't working out with us," he said abruptly letting you go. "The only reason why I was dating you was because you were of good use to me, nothing more!"

You took a step back, and let his words sink in. You wiped away the tears raining down from your face and fixed your dress. "Fine, we are over. Tell Bruce I'm out." With that, you flew away from him and the gala.


10 years passed since you last talked to Damian with feeling. Now, every time you would talk to him, your voice would be empty of emotion. If you could you would avoid the living the hell out of him, but you were an important business woman in Gotham. Your company would help Wayne Tech come up with new ideas for technology.

It still hurt seeing Damian, but what hurt, even more, was that he had tried to apologize more than once, but you just couldn't accept it. The feelings you still had for Damian were still alive and killing you, slowly. You missed him, and you were going to set things right.

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