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Request: Love triangle between Bi-Reader, Damian al Ghul, and Anthanasia al Ghul.

a/n: I don't know if I did this right


The sound of swords clashing against each other echoed across the room. Y/N grunted as they pushed against Damian's sword. "Getting tired?" Damian mocked.

Y/N glared at him and threw him off-balance before pinning him on to the ground. "Tired? Never."

Damian smirked and flipped their positions. "Y/N, belov--"

"Don't call me that!" Y/N shouted as they pushed the assassin off them. "I am not your my 'beloved'. Not anymore."

Y/N got off the ground, picking up their sword in the process. "If I remember correctly you were the one who broke up with me."

Damian recoiled at the memory. It was true, he broke up with them. Only to protect them. Like that worked out well. He sighed and stood up. He watched as Y/N angrily sheathed their sword. He sighed and picked up his own sword.

Y/N quietly observed Damian from the corner of their eye. Ever since they joined the regime, Damian had been acting weird. It may have been that they joined or that he found out they were dating his sister, Anthanasia. Either way, it annoyed them.

A tap on the shoulder brought Y/N back to reality. They averted their attention from Damian to the person in front of them.

"Everything alright N/N?" Anthansasia asked. You smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

"Yeah, just missing you," Y/N replied. Anthansasia returned the smile, only to notice her brother sulking in the background.

"Something wrong Damian? Or are you just jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous of you?" Damian huffed, raising his hands up in defense.

Y/N groaned in annoyance. They put a hand on Anthansasia's shoulder to hold her back and prevent her from doing something stupid. "Anthansasia...."

She shrugged off Y/N's hand and stalked towards Damian. "Are you sure? Because ever since Y/N joined the regime you've been more bothersome than before."

Damian just glared at his sister in silence. He knew he was going to have to answer or she was going to keep on prying. "For the last time, I'm not jealous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a mission to prepare for."

Anthansasia and Y/N watched as Damian left the training room. Y/N sighed and walked towards their girlfriend. "What were you trying to achieve love?"

"Nothing," she murmured. She turned on her heel and made her way out of the training room, leaving a confused Y/N behind.

"Time to figure out what's going on," Y/N whispered to herself. After making sure Anthansasia wasn't nearby, Y/N made their way to Damian's quarters. If anyone had any answers, it would be Damian.

Once Y/N made it Damian's quarters they just stood in front of the door, contemplating what to do. They raised their hand to knock but stopped when the door swung open.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

Damian moved to the side, Y/N thanked him and quietly entered the room.

"What do you want to talk about," asked Damian. Y/N turned to face him. In all honesty, they didn't want to be there, but it was necessary.

"Ever since I joined the regime you have been acting weird, and I want to know what's happening."

Damian leaned against the door as he thought about his reply.

It's been a while since Y/N actually got a good look at him. He had changed so much from the last time they saw him.

"Nothing's happening, Y/N. You're just overthinking this."

"Sure I am," they scoffed. "Dami please."

Damian sighed as he pushed himself off the wall. "Fine, Y/N I... I still have feelings for you. I've always had feelings for you. Feelings that I have been denying since I found out about you and my sister."

Y/N stood there in shock. They didn't know how to respond to this. They weren't expecting a love confession. "I-uh- Damian..."

"I know Y/N, I just... just forget I said anything. You should go before Anthanasia starts to worry."

Y/N nodded and immediately left the room. As Damian shut the door he quickly whispered, "I'm sorry."

Not wanting to be caught standing in front of Damian's room, Y/N immediately made their way to their own room. They didn't know how to feel. They felt sad, mad, but mostly confused. Confused about everything.

"Y/N! Y/N wait!" Anthanasia shouted. Y/N snapped out of their thoughts and stopped walking. "Y/N?"

They stayed silent as Anthanasia approached them. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Anthanasia softly wiped the tears off Y/N's face. They leaned into her touch, sniffling a bit. "I- I went to talk to Damian about what happened earlier."

"What did he do to make you upset?!?"

"He said... he said he still loved me," they said whispering the last part. Anthanasia scowled and quickly engulfed Y/N in a hug. 

"No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."

"I know."

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