Friends Help Each Other

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Request: Grimm AU - Selina is one of the Grimm and hunts down Wesen. Pole dances and mesmerizes everyone then later fights two wesens and her best friend, Helena Bertinelli, finds out her secret and helps her in her mission. 


Grimm AU - Selina is one of the Grimm and hunts down Wesen. Pole dances and mesmerizes everyone then later fights two wesens and her best friend, Helena Bertinelli, finds out her secret and helps her in her mission.


Being a Grimm was kinda difficult for Selina. She had friends who she had to hide the truth from, and she didn't like it. She didn't like lying to any one of them especially Helena. So when she left for Bludhaven, she didn't tell Helena anything to avoid telling her lies.

Now, Selina was in a strip club looking for her targets. Two wesens, both Aswang and they were both hungry. Why were they in a strip club? No clue, only that they weren't being careful and they were dropping bodies.

Selina spun around the pole while searching the room for her targets. They were both males, in their early twenties. It would have been difficult to find them if she weren't, you know, a Grimm.

She smirked once she found them. Both wesen were in the corner of the room, talking to each other and checking out the girls. To get their attention, Selina started doing more... explicit moves.

Everyone stared at Selina in amazement. She finally managed to get the wesens attention. When she caught them staring at her she smiled and winked at them.

After she finished the routine, she made her way to the dressing room. She quickly changed from her dancing clothes into a black crop top, black leather skinny jeans, and some black lace-up heels. To finish her look she threw on a leather jacket with spikes. "Thanks, ladies."

Once she was out of the building she took out her phone and checked her messages. Helena had sent a few asking her why she was gone and why she wasn't answering. She sighed and put her phone away.

As she was turning a corner she heard the club door open and some laughter. She looked over and saw it was the wesen. "Seems like luck is on my side today," she whispered to herself.

She straightened her clothes and sashayed towards them. "Hey boys!"

The wesen both stopped in their tracks and observed Selina. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" One of them flirted.

Selina smiled and shrugged. "I was kinda wondering if you would like to walk me to my home?"

Both wesen looked at each other and nodded. "Sure, lead the way."

Selina lead them towards the direction of the motel she was staying at waiting for the perfect moment to strike. When the trio reached an alleyway, both wesen pushed Selina up the alley wall. "You thought you could trick us?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Selina said smiling. The wesen snarled and turned into his original form. Selina pulled out a knife from a pocket in her jacket and stabbed the Aswang in the face. It groaned in pain and dropped Selina as it's companion lashed out to attack.

Selina dodged it attacks and pulled out another knife. Before she could do anything to the second Aswang, an arrow flew through the air and hit it.

"Gee I thought you guys were supposed to be the toughest out here! An arrow is about to take you out!"

"Shut up!" The Aswang grabbed her foot and pulled her down to the ground.

"How about you shut up," someone suggested. Selina looked up and saw a girl with a crossbow standing behind her.

"You heard the lady shut your trap," she said kicking the Aswang. In a matter of minutes, the duo managed to take down the Aswang. But while Selina fought, the stranger noticed something about her that she hadn't noticed before. Selina was so effortlessly beautiful, like a rose, but dangerous with all those thorns just screaming "I'll make you bleed and you'll say thank."

Once they finished off the Aswang Selina turned on her heel to face the stranger. "Thank you, kind person but I had it handled."

The stranger rolled their eyes and took off their mask. "Sure you did Selina."

The look of shock that fell on Selina's face caused Helena to laugh a bit.

"Wha.. how-WHAT?!?! Helena what are you doing here!" Selina exclaimed.

"I... I came looking for you," Helena said. Selina looked at her best friend concerned before turning her attention to the crossbow.

"So you brought a crossbow?"

Helena chuckled nervously, "Yeah... I knew you were in some shady shit so I brought it just to be sure."

Selina laughed and quickly hugged her best friend. "I'm sorry for hiding this from you."

"No it's fine," Helena said, hugging Selina back. "Just let me help you."

Selina pulled away from the hug and looked at her friend. "Why?"

"Please, Selina? I care about you and I know you can handle yourself but-"

"Okay okay okay. Fine, let's head back to my safe house. You have a lot to learn."

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