Apologies, Disney Movies, and Fake Mustaches

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Warning: Language

"Are you sure you want to do this? Bruce is going to be pissed," Jason said as he stopped in front of the apartment building your mom was living in.

"I'm sure, and who cares if dad gets pissed. He's pissed almost all the time," you said getting of Jay's motorcycle. You heard him sigh as he made your way to the door. "Jay don't worry it'll be for a while."

"Ha! A while? How much do you want to bet that Bruce will come and get you himself?"

"Five dollars. And besides, I have a feeling he'll be busy with Damon."

"Damon? His name is Damian."

"Jason, let me fuck up his name for once. And don't you have somewhere to be? Someone to shoot?"

Jason sighed and got back on his bike and turned the ignition on. "Be careful shorty. I'll call you later."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah bye!" You shouted as he zoomed away. You sighed and walked into the building. You thought about what Jason said. Your dad was going to be extremely mad and there was a 50/50 chance that he was going to show up. Once you were safely in your mom's apartment you searched for your mom. You found her in her room talking to Pamela and Harley about something involving the Gotham Sirens. Before you could enter the room Harley pulled you in for a hug.

"Hiya sweet cheeks!" Harley said as she messed up your hair. You rolled your eyes and hugged her back.

"Hey Aunt Harley, Aunt Pam. Sup mom."

"y/n? What are you doing here?" Selina asked you.

"Got in a fight with the newest bat brat."

"The new Robin?" Pamela asked you.

"The one and only annoying bastard."

"Language y/n," Your mom said giving you a hug. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and walked towards your room. "Oh, if dad comes, tell him to fuck off."

You heard Harley and Pamela giggle a bit before shutting up. Once you were in your room you tossed your bag onto the floor and threw yourself onto your bed. Your mom knew that when you were pissed or annoyed you needed space and time to calm down. So that's what she gave you. Minutes passed, then they turned to hours. Three hours passed before it was midnight. And the only reason you knew this was because Jason called. 

You and Jason spent an hour talking and just as you were hanging up you heard a crash coming from the living room. Talk about timing. You tiptoed to the living room holding a baseball bat ready to swing. A string of curses could be heard from where you were, you listened closely and figured out it was your mom. But to be sure you jumped out of hiding and held the bat in front of you. "Who goes there?!?!" 

Your mom jumped into the air and yelped before turning to face you and glare at you. "Dammit y/n," your mom said in between breaths. "What are you doing up?"

You swung the bat around before answering. "I was talking to Jaybird. So, anything on the bat radar?"

"Actually, yes, your father is coming in a couple minutes with Robin," She said brushing some dirt off of her suit. You groaned in annoyance and dropped the bat. Once you were in your room you looked for a fake mustache Harley gave you for no reason. You didn't question it since she said you might need it one day. Well, she wasn't wrong. You did need it. When you found it you put it on and changed your clothes to something more boyish. After you finished, you checked yourself out and skipped to the living room where your mother, father, and annoying new brother were waiting at.

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